haugene / vpn-configs-contrib

A collection of configs for various VPN providers
GNU General Public License v3.0
184 stars 749 forks source link

cannot ping nordcdn, network or internet unavailable. Cannot download NORDVPN configuration files #240

Open marcelrv opened 1 year ago

marcelrv commented 1 year ago

Is there a pinned issue for this?

Is there an existing or similar issue for this?

Is there any comment in the documentation for this?

Is this related to the container/transmission?

Are you using the latest release?

Have you tried using the dev branch latest?

Config used


Current Behavior

container is restarting as it cannot ping the nordvpn server

ERROR: ERROR: OVPN: cannot ping https://downloads.nordcdn.com/configs/files, network or internet unavailable. Cannot download NORDVPN configuration files

Expected Behavior

nordvpn service is reachable, it seems we are checking in way that is currently no longer supported by the cdn

How have you tried to solve the problem?

pinging the server manually gives the same issue. It can't be pinged, but downloads work nevertheless fine disabling the checkDNS part of the script makes it work again https://github.com/haugene/vpn-configs-contrib/blob/main/openvpn/nordvpn/configure-openvpn.sh#L215

here example of the manual testing (ping failing, but downloading works normally):

~$ ping downloads.nordcdn.com
PING downloads.nordcdn.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- downloads.nordcdn.com ping statistics ---
8 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 7169ms

$ wget https://downloads.nordcdn.com/configs/files/ovpn_udp/servers/nl839.nordvpn.com.udp.ovpn
--2023-09-27 16:05:29--  https://downloads.nordcdn.com/configs/files/ovpn_udp/servers/nl839.nordvpn.com.udp.ovpn
Resolving downloads.nordcdn.com (downloads.nordcdn.com)...,, 2606:4700::6811:cfed, ...
Connecting to downloads.nordcdn.com (downloads.nordcdn.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 2848 (2,8K) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘nl839.nordvpn.com.udp.ovpn’

nl839.nordvpn.com.udp.ovpn    100%[==============================================>]   2,78K  --.-KB/s    in 0s

2023-09-27 16:05:29 (40,9 MB/s) - ‘nl839.nordvpn.com.udp.ovpn’ saved [2848/2848]

Log output

Starting container with revision: f9cb4dea2da1a3aa63bd3945e0162c9b8a9789a4
TRANSMISSION_HOME is currently set to: /config/transmission-home
WARNING: Deprecated. Found old default transmission-home folder at /data/transmission-home, setting this as TRANSMISSION_HOME. This might break in future versions.
We will fallback to this directory as long as the folder exists. Please consider moving it to /config/transmission-home
Creating TUN device /dev/net/tun
Using OpenVPN provider: NORDVPN
Running with VPN_CONFIG_SOURCE auto
Provider NORDVPN has a bundled setup script. Defaulting to internal config
Executing setup script for NORDVPN
INFO: OVPN: Checking curl installation
INFO: OVPN: DNS resolution ok
ERROR: ERROR: OVPN: cannot ping https://downloads.nordcdn.com/configs/files, network or internet unavailable. Cannot download NORDVPN configuration files
Starting container with revision: f9cb4dea2da1a3aa63bd3945e0162c9b8a9789a4
TRANSMISSION_HOME is currently set to: /config/transmission-home
WARNING: Deprecated. Found old default transmission-home folder at /data/transmission-home, setting this as TRANSMISSION_HOME. This might break in future versions.
We will fallback to this directory as long as the folder exists. Please consider moving it to /config/transmission-home
Creating TUN device /dev/net/tun
Using OpenVPN provider: NORDVPN
Running with VPN_CONFIG_SOURCE auto
Provider NORDVPN has a bundled setup script. Defaulting to internal config
Executing setup script for NORDVPN
INFO: OVPN: Checking curl installation
INFO: OVPN: DNS resolution ok


- OS: ubuntu 20.04
- Docker: Docker version 24.0.5, build 24.0.5-0ubuntu1~20.04.1

Anything else?

No response