hauke96 / GeoNotes

A simple app to create georeferences notes.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature request: import notes from GPX #78

Open urbalazs opened 2 years ago

urbalazs commented 2 years ago

Use case: I have some places in a city what I would like to visit during a trip. It would be nice if I can import the GPX and see the points as notes in this app. I like the UI and the List of notes feature where I can see the places as a list.

hauke96 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the feature request. The idea is not new, I think now is the point to actually consider this :+1:

arielsbecker commented 1 year ago

Maybe it can be expanded to geojson import capabilities too. I use QGIS on desktop and this app on my phone, and having a way to share a geojson will make a lot of peopke's lives easier.

k3b commented 10 months ago

you can use https://github.com/k3b/k3b-geoHelper/wiki to implement this.

it supports import-from and export-to for file formats gpx-1.0, gpx-1.1, kml and kmz

For simple parser examples see https://k3b.github.io/k3b-geoHelper/javadoc/de/k3b/geo/io/gpx/GpxReader.html or https://k3b.github.io/k3b-geoHelper/javadoc/de/k3b/geo/io/gpx/GpxReaderBase.html

hauke96 commented 10 months ago

you can use https://github.com/k3b/k3b-geoHelper/wiki to implement this.

Thanks for this unsolicited advertisement, but I already use libraries for GPX and GeoJSON handling.

opk12 commented 3 weeks ago

Maybe the import could be categorized, so it is easily updated (overwritten), or deleted, in the future.