hauntsaninja / mypy_primer

Run mypy and pyright over millions of lines of code
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mypy-primer seems to be failing in mypy's Github Actions #25

Closed A5rocks closed 2 years ago

A5rocks commented 2 years ago

mypy-primer's github action seems to be failing: here on @sobolevn's PR and here on my own PR.

Perhaps a good first step would be having mypy-primer log output of the git clone function? It looks like that information already exists: https://github.com/hauntsaninja/mypy_primer/blob/313288c40beb24e464a0ec123480698110ad4ae2/mypy_primer.py#L109

To me, it looks like it's trying to clone a repository twice which... what? Nothing changed, why is that happening? Looks like this is the piece of code that's being weird:


hauntsaninja commented 2 years ago

Thanks, mypy_primer seems to be working fine on recent PRs, so I'm inclined to think something spurious on Github's side was causing clones to fail. Having prettier error handling that logs output would be useful.

A5rocks commented 2 years ago

Yep definitely seems to have been some GitHub flakiness, I'll close this then.