I'm on thin ice here (so please advice!), but it seems pyright is on to something:
error: Argument of type "list[str]" cannot be assigned to parameter "name" of type "str | SequenceNotStr[str]" in function "delete"
Type "list[str]" cannot be assigned to type "str | SequenceNotStr[str]"
"list[str]" is incompatible with "str"
"list[str]" is incompatible with protocol "SequenceNotStr[str]"
"index" is an incompatible type
Type "(value: str, start: SupportsIndex = 0, stop: SupportsIndex = sys.maxsize, /) -> int" cannot be assigned to type "(value: Any, /, start: int = 0, stop: int = ...) -> int"
Position-only parameter mismatch; parameter "start" is not position-only
Position-only parameter mismatch; parameter "stop" is not position-only (reportArgumentType)
I'm on thin ice here (so please advice!), but it seems pyright is on to something: