hauselin / obsidian-alfred

Alfred workflow for Obsidian note-taking app. Open vaults and files in Obsidian.
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oi command cannot recognize Chinese characters correctly #21

Closed wenlzhang closed 3 years ago

wenlzhang commented 3 years ago

The oi command can add English characters to the inbox note correctly. However, all Chinese characters in a sentence would be replaced as "?".

Also, would it be possible to give some kind of notification saying that the sentence is added to the selected Obsidian note or something?

hauselin commented 3 years ago

Let me try to fix them in the next few days. I'll let you know when I have an updated version for you to test.

ghost commented 3 years ago

If notification is added, can it be made optional?

wenlzhang commented 3 years ago

There may be some other symbols that cannot be recognized by the oi command.

For instance, when copying the current issue page as a Markdown link, the correct text should be: oi command cannot recognize Chinese characters correctly · Issue #21 · hauselin/obsidian-alfred

When adding the text above through oi, however, it would be become: oi command cannot recognize Chinese characters correctly � Issue #21 � hauselin/obsidian-alfred

hauselin commented 3 years ago

Thanks! I'm testing a solution that should address these problems. I'll probably provide an update within the next few days!

hauselin commented 3 years ago

Hey @wenlzhang and @LouisInFlow, here's an updated version. Remember to back up your notes/vault. It should now support special characters. Notifications are turned on by default. But if you want to disable it, run oinotify to toggle on/off. Let me know if you run into more issues.

ghost commented 3 years ago


hauselin commented 3 years ago


Took me a while to parse that! Haven't read complete Chinese sentences for quite a while :p Thanks for testing! I'll release this version later today.