hausgold / ejabberd-unread

Allows users to acknowledge unread messages
MIT License
5 stars 2 forks source link

Got compilation error on ejabberd20.07 #2

Open heimuya888 opened 3 years ago

heimuya888 commented 3 years ago

I tried to apply the module on ejabberd20.07 but got the following error. Thanks.

==> ejabberd-20.07 (compile) src/mod_unread.erl:14: can't find include file "ejabberd.hrl" src/mod_unread.erl:163: field xml_els undefined in record forwarded src/mod_unread.erl:166: variable 'El' is unbound src/mod_unread.erl:170: variable 'El' unsafe in 'try' (line 166) src/mod_unread.erl:174: variable 'El' unsafe in 'try' (line 166) src/mod_unread.erl:180: variable 'El' unsafe in 'try' (line 166) src/mod_unread.erl:208: field xml_els undefined in record forwarded src/mod_unread.erl:3: Warning: undefined callback function mod_doc/0 (behaviour 'gen_mod') src/mod_unread.erl:3: Warning: undefined callback function mod_options/1 (behaviour 'gen_mod') src/mod_unread.erl:207: Warning: variable 'NewMessage' is unused Compiling src/mod_unread.erl failed: ERROR: compile failed while processing /ejabberd-20.07: rebar_abort Makefile:115: recipe for target 'src' failed make: *** [src] Error 1

vs1785 commented 3 years ago

Any chance of getting this compatible to 19.05?

I have been able to resolve these errors but when i restart ejabberd i am getting below error

2021-02-26 09:13:19.867 [error] <0.363.0>@gen_mod:module_error:595 Invalid value for option 'db_type' of module mod_unread: sql 2021-02-26 09:13:19.869 [critical] <0.363.0>@gen_mod:maybe_halt_ejabberd:325 ejabberd initialization was aborted because a module start failed.

royrwood commented 3 years ago

@vs1785 -- can you please share what you did to get the module to compile cleanly?

Your current error is likely due to not having the mod_unread configuration set up correctly in your ejabberd.yml file. In the mod_unread repo, they have a sample configuration file which includes the following:

  mod_unread: { db_type: sql }

If you add that to your ejabberd.yml, things will probably work.

vs1785 commented 3 years ago

I have removed ejabberd.hrl include

And changed xml_els to sub_els

It compiles but doesnt work. There are changes in hook definitions and i am trying to make it work with new version.

royrwood commented 3 years ago

I'll spend some time trying to get this working today and will let you know if I make any progress...

royrwood commented 3 years ago

Well, ejabberd 20.12 now runs with mod_unread loaded. I haven't really tested the functionality yet though. Your comment about the hook definitions having changed makes me suspect that when the callbacks are actually hit, the module will crash. On to testing that, I guess.

For reference, here's the changed version of mod_unread.erl that I'm using...

-export([%% ejabberd module API
         start/2, stop/1, reload/3, mod_doc/0, mod_opt_type/1, mod_options/1, depends/2,
         %% Helpers (database, packet handling)
         store/3, drop/4, add_unread_to_mam_result/5,
         %% Hooks
         on_muc_filter_message/3, on_store_mam_message/6, on_filter_packet/1,
         %% IQ handlers


-callback init(binary(), gen_mod:opts())
  -> ok | {ok, pid()}.
-callback start(binary(), gen_mod:opts())
  -> ok | {ok, pid()}.
-callback stop(binary())
  -> any().
-callback store(binary(), binary(), binary(), non_neg_integer())
  -> ok | {error, any()}.
-callback drop(binary(), binary(), binary(), binary())
  -> ok | {error, any()}.
-callback count(binary(), binary())
  -> [#ur_unread_messages{}].
-callback first_unread(binary(), binary())
  -> [#ur_unread_message{}].
-callback is_unread(binary(), binary(), binary(), non_neg_integer())
  -> #ur_unread{}.

%% Start the module by implementing the +gen_mod+ behaviour. Here we register
%% the custom XMPP codec, the IQ handler and the hooks to listen to, for the
%% custom unread functionality.
-spec start(binary(), gen_mod:opts()) -> ok.
start(Host, Opts) ->
  %% Initialize the database module
  Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(Host, ?MODULE),
  Mod:init(Host, Opts),
  %% Register the custom XMPP codec
  %% Register hooks
  %% Run the meta addition for MUC messages, before mod_mam gets it (50)
                     Host, ?MODULE, on_muc_filter_message, 48),
  %% Run the unread message tracking hook before mod_mam storage
                     Host, ?MODULE, on_store_mam_message, 102),
  %% Run the unread MAM query result manipulation hook before the user receives
  %% the packet (looks like there are no other known users of the hook)
                     ?MODULE, on_filter_packet, 50),
  %% Register IQ handlers
  gen_iq_handler:add_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, Host, ?NS_UNREAD, ?MODULE, on_iq, one_queue),
  %% Log the boot up
  ?INFO_MSG("[UR] Start ejabberd-unread (v~s) for ~s", [?MODULE_VERSION, Host]),

%% Stop the module, and deregister the XMPP codec and all hooks as well as the
%% IQ handler.
-spec stop(binary()) -> any().
stop(Host) ->
  %% Deregister the custom XMPP codec
  %% Deregister all the hooks
                        Host, ?MODULE, on_store_mam_message, 101),
                        Host, ?MODULE, on_muc_filter_message, 48),
                        ?MODULE, on_filter_packet, 50),
  %% Deregister IQ handlers
  gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, Host, ?NS_UNREAD),
  ?INFO_MSG("[UR] Stop ejabberd-unread", []),

%% Inline reload the module in case of external triggered +ejabberdctl+ reloads.
-spec reload(binary(), gen_mod:opts(), gen_mod:opts()) -> ok.
reload(Host, NewOpts, OldOpts) ->
  %% Reload the custom XMPP codec
  %% Reload the database module on changes
  NewMod = gen_mod:db_mod(Host, NewOpts, ?MODULE),
  OldMod = gen_mod:db_mod(Host, OldOpts, ?MODULE),
  if NewMod /= OldMod -> NewMod:init(Host, NewOpts);
    true -> ok

%% Unfortunately the mod_man +store_mam_message+ hook does not deliver the
%% state data structure of a groupchat message (MUC). We need to get all
%% member/owner affiliations and put their respective JIDs on the packet meta
%% as +users+ key. This will later be picked up by the regular
%% +on_store_mam_message+ hook to multiply the unread messages for all
%% affiliated users of the MUC.
-spec on_muc_filter_message(message(), mod_muc_room:state(),
                            binary()) -> message().
on_muc_filter_message(#message{} = Packet, MUCState, _FromNick) ->
  case xmpp:get_meta(Packet, users, not_found) of
  not_found -> xmpp:put_meta(Packet, users, get_muc_users(MUCState));
  _ -> Packet
on_muc_filter_message(Acc, _MUCState, _FromNick) -> Acc.

%% Hook on all MAM (message archive management) storage requests to grab the
%% stanza packet and write it to the database. This is the core of this module
%% and takes care of the unread message tracking per user.
-spec on_store_mam_message(message() | drop, binary(), binary(), jid(),
                           chat | groupchat, recv | send) -> message().
on_store_mam_message(#message{to = Conversation} = Packet,
                     _LUser, _LServer, _Peer, groupchat, recv) ->
  %% Add the current message as unread for all room members.
  lists:foreach(fun(User) -> store(User, Conversation, Packet) end,
on_store_mam_message(#message{from = Conversation, to = User} = Packet,
                     _LUser, _LServer, _Peer, chat, recv) ->
  store(User, Conversation, Packet);
on_store_mam_message(Packet, _LUser, _LServer, _Peer, _Type, _Dir) -> Packet.

%% Handle all IQ packets from the user.
-spec on_iq(iq()) -> iq().
%% Handle a "mark all unread messages of a conversation" or a "mark a single
%% message of a conversation as read" request.
on_iq(#iq{type = set, from = UserJid,
          sub_els = [#ur_ack{jid = ConversationJid, id = MessageId}]} = IQ) ->
  drop(UserJid, ConversationJid, MessageId, IQ);
%% Handle a "list all unread counts of all conversations (own perspective)"
%% request. The "own perspective" is the request sender.
on_iq(#iq{type = get, from = #jid{lserver = LServer} = User,
          sub_els = [#ur_query{jid = undefined}]} = IQ) ->
  Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(LServer, ?MODULE),
  Counts = Mod:count(LServer, bare_jid(User)),
  make_iq_result_els(IQ, Counts);
%% Handle a "list first unread message per user of a conversation (peer
%% perspective)" request. The "peer perspective" means we return the states of
%% all conversation affiliated users.
on_iq(#iq{type = get, from = #jid{lserver = LServer},
          sub_els = [#ur_query{jid = Conversation}]} = IQ) ->
  Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(LServer, ?MODULE),
  FirstUnreads = Mod:first_unread(LServer, bare_jid(Conversation)),
  make_iq_result_els(IQ, FirstUnreads);
%% Handle all unmatched IQs.
on_iq(IQ) -> xmpp:make_error(IQ, xmpp:err_not_allowed()).

%% This hook is called everytime a new packet should be sent to a user
%% (receiver), no matter of a group (MUC) or direct chat. When the packet
%% contains a MAM result, we extend it with the unread element based on the
%% database state.
-spec on_filter_packet(stanza()) -> stanza().
on_filter_packet(#message{from = From, to = To,
                          sub_els = [#mam_result{sub_els = [#forwarded{
                            sub_els = [#xmlel{name = <<"message">>} = El]
                          }]}]} = Packet) ->
  %% Decode the original MAM message element again to extend it
  try xmpp:decode(El) of
  %% Group chat (MUC) messages look like this
  #message{type = groupchat} = Decoded ->
    MessageId = get_stanza_id_from_els(Decoded#message.sub_els),
    add_unread_to_mam_result(Packet, El, MessageId, To, From);
  %% Single chat messages look a little bit different
  #message{type = normal, from = Conversation} = Decoded ->
    MessageId = get_stanza_id_from_els(Decoded#message.sub_els),
    add_unread_to_mam_result(Packet, El, MessageId, From, Conversation);
  %% We ignore the decoded message due to the pattern matching above failed
  _ -> Packet
  %% The XML element decoding failed
  catch _:{xmpp_codec, Why} ->
    ?ERROR_MSG("[UR] Failed to decode raw element ~p from message: ~s",
               [El, xmpp:format_error(Why)]),
on_filter_packet(Packet) -> Packet.

%% This function is a helper for the MAM result manipulation. We add the result
%% of the database lookup as a new +unread+ element to the resulting message
%% stanza which indicates the unread state of the message. The helper is used
%% by the +on_filter_packet+ hook for single and group chat messages.
-spec add_unread_to_mam_result(stanza(), xmlel(), jid(), jid(),
                               non_neg_integer()) -> stanza().
add_unread_to_mam_result(#message{sub_els = [#mam_result{
                            sub_els = [#forwarded{} = Forwarded]
                          } = MamResult]} = Packet,
                         #xmlel{} = Message,
                         #jid{lserver = LServer} = User,
                         #jid{} = Conversation) ->
  %% Check the database for the message unread state
  Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(LServer, ?MODULE),
  Unread = Mod:is_unread(LServer, bare_jid(User),
                         bare_jid(Conversation), MessageId),
  %% Replace the original MAM result with our extended version.
  %% We have to use the original #xmlel message, because the parsed one (from
  %% +xmpp:decode+) will lose all non-XMPP known elements, including all user
  %% defined custom stanza elements. Therefore we fiddle directly with the
  %% fast_xml module here to overcome the issue.
  NewMessage = fxml:append_subtags(Message, [xmpp:encode(Unread)]),
  NewForwarded = Forwarded#forwarded{sub_els = [NewMessage]},
  NewMamResult = MamResult#mam_result{sub_els = [NewForwarded]},
  Packet#message{sub_els = [NewMamResult]};
%% Any non matching packet/parsed message combination will be passed through.
add_unread_to_mam_result(Packet, _, _, _, _) -> Packet.

%% This function writes a new row to the unread messages database in order
%% to persist the unread message.
-spec store(jid(), jid(), stanza()) -> stanza().
store(#jid{lserver = LServer} = User, #jid{} = Conversation, Packet) ->
  Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(LServer, ?MODULE),
  Mod:store(LServer, bare_jid(User), bare_jid(Conversation),

%% This function deletes on or all unread message(s) of a user/conversation
%% combination. The database adapter takes care of the one/all handling.
-spec drop(jid(), jid(), binary(), iq()) -> iq().
drop(#jid{lserver = LServer} = User, #jid{} = Conversation, Id, IQ) ->
  Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(LServer, ?MODULE),
  Mod:drop(LServer, bare_jid(User), bare_jid(Conversation), Id),

%% Extract all relevant JIDs of all affiliated members. This will drop the
%% packet sender, and any admin users.
-spec affiliated_jids(#message{}) -> [jid()].
affiliated_jids(#message{from = Sender} = Packet) ->
  %% Convert all affiliated user JIDs to their bare
  %% representations for filtering
  BareJids = lists:map(fun(Jid) -> bare_jid(Jid) end,
                       xmpp:get_meta(Packet, users)),
  %% All the affiliated users of the room, except the packet sender
  WithoutSender = lists:delete(bare_jid(Sender), BareJids),
  %% Drop all admin users from the list
  WithoutAdmins = WithoutSender -- admin_jids(Sender#jid.server),
  %% Convert all bare JIDs back to full JIDs
  lists:map(fun(Jid) -> jid:decode(Jid) end, WithoutAdmins).

%% Fetch all configured administration user JIDs and convert them to their bare
%% JID representation for filtering.
-spec admin_jids(binary()) -> [binary()].
admin_jids(Server) ->
  Jids = mnesia:dirty_select(acl, [
   {{acl, {admin, Server}, {user, '$2'}}, [], ['$2']}
  lists:map(fun(Raw) ->
    bare_jid(jid:make(erlang:insert_element(3, Raw, <<"">>)))
  end, Jids).

%% Extract all relevant users from the given MUC state (room).
-spec get_muc_users(#state{}) -> [jid()].
get_muc_users(StateData) ->
    fun(LJID, owner, Acc) -> [jid:make(LJID)|Acc];
       (LJID, member, Acc) -> [jid:make(LJID)|Acc];
       (LJID, {owner, _}, Acc) -> [jid:make(LJID)|Acc];
       (LJID, {member, _}, Acc) -> [jid:make(LJID)|Acc];
       (_, _, Acc) -> Acc
  end, [], StateData#state.affiliations).

%% This is a simple helper function to search and extract the stanza id from a
%% +stanza-id+ XML element (record version) out of a list of various records.
%% Just like them occur on the MAM result inside the inner message XML element.
-spec get_stanza_id_from_els([tuple()]) -> binary().
get_stanza_id_from_els(Els) ->
  case lists:keyfind(stanza_id, 1, Els) of
  #stanza_id{id = Id} -> Id;
  _ -> <<"0">>

%% Extract the stanza id from a message packet and convert it to a string.
-spec get_stanza_id(stanza()) -> integer().
get_stanza_id(#message{meta = #{stanza_id := ID}}) -> ID.

%% Convert the given JID (full, or bare) to a bare JID and encode it to a
%% string.
-spec bare_jid(jid()) -> binary().
bare_jid(#jid{} = Jid) -> jid:encode(jid:remove_resource(Jid)).

%% Allow IQ results to have multiple sub elements.
%% See:
-spec make_iq_result_els(iq(), [xmpp_element() | xmlel() | undefined]) -> iq().
make_iq_result_els(#iq{from = From, to = To} = IQ, SubEls) ->
  IQ#iq{type = result, to = From, from = To, sub_els = SubEls}.

%% Some ejabberd custom module API fullfilments
-spec depends(binary(), gen_mod:opts()) -> [{module(), hard | soft}].
depends(_Host, _Opts) -> [{mod_mam, hard},
                          {mod_muc, hard}].

%% Validate runtime options according to docs:
mod_opt_type(db_type) -> econf:db_type(?MODULE);
mod_opt_type(_) -> [db_type].

%mod_opt_type(rabbit_stomp_hostname) -> fun binary_to_list/1;

%% Callback to provide known options and defaults
mod_options(_Host) ->
    [   {db_type, <<"sql">>} ].

%% Callback for documentation
mod_doc() ->
  #{desc => "This module allows users to acknowledge/retrieve their unread messages from direct chats and multi user conferences"}.
royrwood commented 3 years ago

Ejabberd 20.12 has that annoying issue that disables logging for modules loaded via ejabberdctl module_install, so I'll grab the latest 21.01 and use that for further work on this...

royrwood commented 3 years ago

Got it running in ejabberd 20.01. The affiliations in the MUC state is a map now, no longer a dict:

%% Extract all relevant users from the given MUC state (room).
-spec get_muc_users(#state{}) -> [jid()].
get_muc_users(StateData) ->
  Affiliations = StateData#state.affiliations,
    fun(LJID, owner, Acc) -> [jid:make(LJID)|Acc];
       (LJID, member, Acc) -> [jid:make(LJID)|Acc];
       (LJID, {owner, _}, Acc) -> [jid:make(LJID)|Acc];
       (LJID, {member, _}, Acc) -> [jid:make(LJID)|Acc];
       (_, _, Acc) -> Acc
  end, [], Affiliations).
Jack12816 commented 3 years ago

@royrwood Mind doing a fork and a pull request? Targeting version 21.01? :)

royrwood commented 3 years ago

Will do. Working through some more things first. We are using UUIDs as our messageIDs, and the module seems to assume that messageIDs are BIGINT/long values. Is that going to be a problem for message ordering?

royrwood commented 3 years ago

And the signature for store_mam_message callbacks has changed from /6 to /7. Tracking that down now...

Ah-- they added a "Nick" parameter.

royrwood commented 3 years ago

In admin_jids(Server), the code tries to access the "acl" mnesia table, but that apparently no longer exists.

Jids = mnesia:dirty_select(acl, [ {{acl, {admin, Server}, {user, '$2'}}, [], ['$2']} ]),
royrwood commented 3 years ago

Looks like the "acl" info now lives in ets, not mnesia.

royrwood commented 3 years ago

For reference, in 18.01, this is what we got from mnesia:

(ejabberd@localhost)1> Tab = acl.
(ejabberd@localhost)2> F = fun() -> mnesia:select(Tab,[{'_',[],['$_']}]) end,
mnesia:activity(transaction, F).
    {acl,{admin,<<"">>}, {user,{<<"admin">>,<<"">>}}},
    {acl,{admin,global}, {user,{<<"admin">>,<<"">>}}},
    {acl,{loopback,<<"">>}, {ip,{{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1},128}}},
    {acl,{loopback,<<"">>}, {ip,{{0,0,0,0,0,65535,32512,1},128}}}

Server = <<"">>.
Jids = mnesia:dirty_select(acl, [{ {acl, {admin, Server}, {user, '$2'}}, [], ['$2'] }]).
royrwood commented 3 years ago

And for 20.01, we want this...

(ejabberd@localhost)11> ets:match(acl,'$1').
    [{{local,global}, [{user_regexp,{re_pattern,0,1,0, <<69,82,67,80,71,0,0,0,0,8,0,0,1,128,0,0,255, ...>>}}]}],
    [{{admin,global}, [{user,{<<"admin">>,<<"">>}}]}],
    [{{loopback,<<"">>}, [{ip,{{127,0,0,0},8}}, {ip,{{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1},128}}, {ip,{{0,0,0,0,0,65535,32512,1},128}}]}],
    [{{muc_admin,<<"">>}, [{user,{<<"muc_admin">>,<<"">>}}]}],
    [{{admin,<<"">>}, [{user,{<<"admin">>,<<"">>}}]}],
    [{{loopback,global}, [{ip,{{127,0,0,0},8}}, {ip,{{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1},128}}, {ip,{{0,0,0,0,0,65535,32512,1},128}}]}],
    [{{local,<<"">>}, [{user_regexp,{re_pattern,0,1,0, <<69,82,67,80,71,0,0,0,0,8,0,...>>}}]}],
    [{{muc_admin,global}, [{user,{<<"muc_admin">>,<<"">>}}]}]

Server = <<"">>.
ets:select(acl, [{ {{admin,Server}, [{user,'$2'}]}, [], ['$2'] }]).
KunalSolanke commented 3 years ago

@royrwood Any updates regarding v21??