havanagrawal / clomask

Capstone Project for Clobotics: Using Mask R-CNN for Rigid/Non-Rigid Retail Consumable Product Detection
MIT License
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Create workflow for labeling images #2

Closed havanagrawal closed 5 years ago

havanagrawal commented 5 years ago

In order to collect training data, we need a workflow for the team to label and store data.

In general, in an ideal case:

  1. Team member picks up an image from a queue (could be a common folder, dedicated folder, zip file, s3, whatever works)
  2. Uploads it to LabelMe
  3. Creates masks for the various retail products
  4. Downloads the masks
  5. Uploads masks to a specified location in the desired format (Drive/S3/etc)
  6. Marks the item as done in the queue (either by deleting the original, or moving it to another directory)

Deliverable: A README/Wiki document