havanagrawal / clomask

Capstone Project for Clobotics: Using Mask R-CNN for Rigid/Non-Rigid Retail Consumable Product Detection
MIT License
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Add initial research document for pre-trained model results #7

Open havanagrawal opened 5 years ago

havanagrawal commented 5 years ago

As part of preliminary research,

Evaluate matterport's MaskRCNN implementation, in terms of

  1. Visual analysis (how close are the predicted masks to the true masks, how many does it miss, etc),
  2. IoU (Intersection over Union) for each image
  3. Mean Average Precision (MAP) over a set of images


  1. A Jupyter notebook with the above metrics for a small dataset (~5 images), preferably reproducible.
  2. Links to resources for IoU/MAP metrics (Kaggle perhaps)