haven-protocol-org / haven-web-app

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Left side bar is generic - split Transfer to (Send & Receive) #37

Closed g45t345rt closed 3 years ago

g45t345rt commented 3 years ago

I feel the sidebar is little bit to generic. It might help to be more specific on what clicking a tab actually do.

From the screenshot below I've changed

Why My assets (using My implying that it's yours only) Convert your assets (it's more indicative that you want to convert assets and not something else) Send transactions -> leading to Transfer and Send tab (Thinking that I want to send XHV to someone, I feel like it's more obvious to click on Send transaction instead of Transfer) Receive payments -> leading to Transfer and Receive tab (if I think about Receiving XHV I'm looking for my address and right now it's not obvious that it's in Transfer and Receive tab) Customize your wallet -> leading to Select theme and other future wallet preferences Private keys -> leading to sensitive private keys (sensitive information like keys should be on another page and not mixed with settings)


pierrelafitte commented 3 years ago

Hey @g45t345rt thanks for the feedback!

It's nice to get some critique, however I do respectfully disagree with it for many reasons that I hope to articulate below. This response should hopefully help expand some of the thinking behind the product architecture so we can attract nuanced critique in the future.

Generally speaking, the overall issue is that the feedback doesn't take into account design best practices, techniques for simplicity, information architecture or responsive web design. If you're interested in these techniques for reducing complexity I would recommend "The Laws of Simplicity" by Jon Maeda, and you can visit his website here: http://lawsofsimplicity.com.

Personally, I adhere to and implemented the following Simplicity Laws quite diligently:

  1. Reduce: The simplest way to achieve simplicity is through thoughtful reduction.
  2. Organize: Organization makes a system of many appear fewer.

For the most part, your suggested menu redesign cannot be implemented due to the restraints of horizontal real estate, or in simpler terms, screen width. There's two tricks to solving these aggravating yet predictable issues.

First, avoid having more than five menu items. This is because when an application is resized into it's mobile break point (< 575px) , the left side vertical menu items need to transform into bottom based horizontal tabs -- unless of course you want navigation bar based, nested accordion menu items, where discoverability and user experience suffers as a consequence.

To avoid this negative tradeoff, it's best practice to have no more than 5 menu items (and hence why you never see native apps with more than 5 tabs) because when you focus on accessibility (most devices possible in this case, not WCAG guidelines) you need to account for a 320px screen width. When dividing 320px / 5 you get 64px which is the most amount of horizontal pixels you can have. Even with a excessively tight padding of 4px (actually 8px for left and right) you're left with 56px per tab. This is simply not enough space for excessively long navigation labels. As a tradeoff you'd have to change the font-size to something that is illegible because it would be beneath minimum recommend font sizes.

So in short, the number of items in the menu (6) and the length of the labels (8 - 19 chars) would break the responsive web design, of which you can see by resizing your window in either the Desktop or Web Application. So in this example by following the Organize rule above we can solve both issues with better organization via taxonomy and labels.

Second, your feedback is what I respectfully disagree with about the Monero application design, because there's many navigation items that can and should be combined into a single category, yet they're split out into separate pages and menu items, which increases cognitive load and complexity. Additionally, the labels of certain menu items in your critique, make assumptions about the primary use case of that page. For example, if I withdraw from an exchange I am not "Receiving Payments", I'm simply taking custody of my funds. The labeling logic is also inconsistent and slightly illogical because sending is called a "Transaction" yet receiving is called a "Payment". They should've both been called either "payments" or "transactions". Lastly, these labels are plurals yet the action is singular -- for example you can only send one transaction at a time, so calling it "Sending Transactions" isn't accurate and "Send a Transaction" is too verbose.

So in this example, the first rule Reduce seems to solve both issues. We can Reduce the complexity by categorizing Send Transactions and Receive Payments into Transfer. We can further reduce the complexity and simplify architecture by having tabs that then separate the Transfer logic into Send and Receive. The dual benefit of this is that it also solves the issues I outlined about horizontal real estate, will work on any mobile device, and makes no assumption about the intent of the action, thus making it intentionally generic.

One thing I do absolutely agree with you on, is the receiving address and the confusion about it's location for first time and/or new users. To be honest, I think at bare minimum it should be included (and was originally) in two places. It should be included on the Receive tab, because if you want to select a receiving address then selecting it here is logical and contextually obvious. However, if you're just looking for your address i.e to know what it is but with out the cognitive intention of receiving funds, then it's not obvious that it's in the Receive tab.

I think the solution to this is to add it to the Settings section under an "Address" header. I'll add this back in for the next version.

Hopefully this doesn't come across as illogically critical because I do value your feedback.


g45t345rt commented 3 years ago

Hi Pierre thanks for the quick response!

Quick introduction for context

I've just started to become addicted to the crypto world for the past year. I believe in private currency because you can't follow past transactions so the money is not tinted (just like physical cash). For me, any crypto with a unobfuscated public ledger is fundamentally flawed. For this reason, I've chosen Monero and since Haven is a fork and the offshore feature is genius I've decided to help this project with the best of my abilities.

About the sidebar

First, avoid having more than five menu items. This is because when an application is resized into it's mobile break point (< 575px) , the left side vertical menu items need to transform into bottom based horizontal tabs

I totally forgot about the bottom tabs when using the mobile version silly me -_-

The labeling logic is also inconsistent and slightly illogical because sending is called a "Transaction" yet receiving is called a "Payment". They should've both been called either "payments" or "transactions"

Yep, I just don't like repetition xD

One thing I do absolutely agree with you on, is the receiving address and the confusion about it's location for first time

Yes, once you know where the Receive section is, navigating to it is effortless but for new users it's not that obvious.

Personally, I adhere to and implemented the following Simplicity Laws quite diligently:

I've not read or had any experiences with Simplicity Laws but for my take what I usually do is ask myself questions about the process of the application.

For examples, this is what I think a user will frequently want to do with the app wallet:

So these should be the most easily accessible actions available within the app.

Hopefully this doesn't come across as illogically critical because I do value your feedback.

When it's about software engineering there is always a reason behind something, so it's far from being illogical!


We can keep the sidebar like this for now and I will try to think about a more favorable desktop/mobile approach. I won't close the issue because I still think I can convince you but I just have to think about it and present a more concrete solution.

As for

I think the solution to this is to add it to the Settings section under an "Address" header. I'll add this back in for the next version.

I have to disagree, simply because I think it's something the user will frequently wants to have access to. The Settings tab should be something that the user does not use often.


Thanks for taking my feedback into account! I honestly though you would not respond and let it sit. This gives me a good first impression of the project. It tells me that you actually care and this is really important.

See you around, Fred

P.S right now, I have to work at the farm during the day but I hope that in the coming winter, I will have more time to contribute to the project. Anyways, will see how thing goes.

pierrelafitte commented 3 years ago

Marking this as a rejected feature for now because it's not a workable solution.