haveno-dex / haveno

Decentralized P2P exchange platform built on Monero and Tor
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
921 stars 94 forks source link

Issues connecting to Tor in reto fork of Haveno #1039

Open bustedvendor opened 2 weeks ago

bustedvendor commented 2 weeks ago

Warning Connecting to the Haveno network failed (reported error: Could not setup Tor). Please check your internet connection or try to restart the application.

Same with using bridges. What's interesting is that I can connect to Tor in browser with the same bridges that I can't connect to Haveno with.

nihilist001 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, which OS ? and is there any restrictive firewall on there or something that may interfere ?

bustedvendor commented 2 weeks ago

Windows 10 (64-bit) I checked the firewalls and made sure that haveno.exe was unrestricted Also I ran 1.0.6 prior and everything worked fine. I may try a different install bundle or downgrade to that release until a newer patch would fix this


Jun-15 07:37:40.170 [main] INFO h.c.app.Version: Version{VERSION=1.0.7, P2P_NETWORK_VERSION=A, LOCAL_DB_VERSION=1, TRADE_PROTOCOL_VERSION=1, BASE_CURRENCY_NETWORK=0, getP2PNetworkId()=0A} Jun-15 07:37:40.170 [main] INFO h.c.s.CommonSetup: Path to Haveno jar file: C:\Users\AppData\Local\Haveno\app\desktop-1.0.7-SNAPSHOT-all.jar Jun-15 07:37:40.170 [main] INFO h.c.u.Profiler: Total memory: 64 MB; Used memory: 11.225 MB; Free memory: 52.775 MB; Max memory: 1 GB; No. of threads: 1 Jun-15 07:37:40.185 [main] INFO h.c.s.CoreNetworkCapabilities: TRADE_STATISTICS [0], TRADE_STATISTICS_2 [1], ACCOUNT_AGE_WITNESS [2], PROPOSAL [5], BLIND_VOTE [6], ACK_MSG [7], BUNDLE_OF_ENVELOPES [10], SIGNED_ACCOUNT_AGE_WITNESS [11], MEDIATION [12], REFUND_AGENT [13], TRADE_STATISTICS_HASH_UPDATE [14], NO_ADDRESS_PRE_FIX [15], TRADE_STATISTICS_3 [16] Jun-15 07:37:40.201 [main] INFO h.c.l.GlobalSettings: Locale info: en_US Jun-15 07:37:42.221 [AvoidStandbyModeService-thread] INFO h.c.a.AvoidStandbyModeService: Started Jun-15 07:37:42.227 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO h.c.a.HavenoExecutable: Creating Haveno account with null password Jun-15 07:37:43.591 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO h.c.n.p.s.DefaultSeedNodeRepository: Seed nodes: [c66xsfwbequrnytwlp7cz7oirs6q4grxmqyny7afuvc6r4e3cn2ynoqd.onion:1003, gq2reknmxhmf3lnakkyzflr72kbtkpueui7utk3w7qfziuesbjsnkayd.onion:1002, bugc27z7lqjgpwmhbuu3kuwoq2bhailj573r32jm5ydwrcqrwjtblnid.onion:1002] Jun-15 07:37:44.266 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO h.c.p.ProvidersRepository: Selected price provider: http://elaxlgigphpicy5q7pi5wkz2ko2vgjbq4576vic7febmx4xcxvk6deqd.onion/ Jun-15 07:37:44.427 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO h.d.a.HavenoApp: Starting application Jun-15 07:37:44.627 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO h.c.a.AppStartupState: Combined initialized state = false = updatedDataReceived=false && isBlockDownloadComplete=false && isWalletSynced=false && hasSufficientPeersForBroadcast=false && allDomainServicesInitialized=false Jun-15 07:37:46.500 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO h.d.a.HavenoAppMain: Using JavaFX 21.0.2+1 Jun-15 07:37:51.505 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO h.c.a.HavenoSetup: Installing monerod Jun-15 07:37:51.839 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO h.c.a.HavenoSetup: Installing monero-wallet-rpc Jun-15 07:37:52.207 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO h.c.a.HavenoSetup: Init P2P network Jun-15 07:37:52.218 [StartTor] INFO h.n.p.n.NewTor: Starting tor Jun-15 07:37:52.219 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO h.c.a.HavenoSetup: walletInitialized=false, p2pNetWorkReady=false Jun-15 07:38:08.324 [StartTor] ERROR h.n.p.n.TorNetworkNode: Starting tor node failed org.berndpruenster.netlayer.tor.TorCtlException: Could not setup Tor at org.berndpruenster.netlayer.tor.NativeTor.(NativeTor.kt:106) at org.berndpruenster.netlayer.tor.NativeTor.(NativeTor.kt:55) at org.berndpruenster.netlayer.tor.NativeTor.(NativeTor.kt) at haveno.network.p2p.network.NewTor.getTor(NewTor.java:107) at haveno.network.p2p.network.TorNetworkNode.lambda$createTorAndHiddenService$10(TorNetworkNode.java:172) at java.base/java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source) at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Caused by: java.io.IOException: java.io.IOException: Auth cookie not created at org.berndpruenster.netlayer.tor.TorContext.installAndStartTorOp(TorContext.kt:392) at org.berndpruenster.netlayer.tor.NativeTor.(NativeTor.kt:66) ... 8 common frames omitted Caused by: java.io.IOException: Auth cookie not created at org.berndpruenster.netlayer.tor.TorContext.installAndStartTorOp(TorContext.kt:361) ... 9 common frames omitted

Jun-15 07:38:08.327 [JavaFX Application Thread] ERROR h.c.a.P2PNetworkSetup: onSetupFailed Jun-15 07:38:21.117 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO h.c.p.PersistenceManager: Serializing PreferencesPayload took 221 msec Jun-15 07:39:32.403 [Thread-7] INFO h.c.a.HavenoExecutable: Starting graceful shut down of HavenoAppMain Jun-15 07:39:32.407 [pool-32-thread-1] INFO h.c.a.XmrConnectionService: XmrConnectionService.onShutDownStarted() Jun-15 07:39:32.407 [pool-32-thread-2] INFO h.c.x.w.XmrWalletService: XmrWalletService.onShutDownStarted() Jun-15 07:39:32.408 [pool-32-thread-3] INFO h.c.t.TradeManager: TradeManager.onShutDownStarted() Jun-15 07:39:32.411 [Thread-7] INFO h.c.t.TradeManager: Shutting down TradeManager Jun-15 07:39:32.411 [Thread-7] INFO h.c.p.p.PriceFeedService: Shutting down PriceFeedService Jun-15 07:39:32.412 [Thread-7] INFO h.c.a.HavenoExecutable: Shutting down OpenOfferManager, OfferBookService, and P2PService Jun-15 07:39:32.418 [Thread-7] INFO h.c.o.OpenOfferManager: Remove open offers at shutDown. Number of open offers: 0 Jun-15 07:39:32.420 [pool-31-thread-1] INFO h.n.p.P2PService: P2PService shutdown started Jun-15 07:39:32.422 [pool-31-thread-1] INFO h.n.p.p.Broadcaster: Broadcaster shutdown started Jun-15 07:39:32.422 [pool-31-thread-1] INFO h.n.p.p.Broadcaster: Broadcaster doShutDown started Jun-15 07:39:32.424 [pool-31-thread-1] INFO h.n.p.P2PService: P2PService doShutDown started Jun-15 07:39:32.433 [pool-31-thread-1] INFO h.n.p.n.TorNetworkNode: TorNetworkNode shutdown started Jun-15 07:39:32.435 [pool-31-thread-1] INFO h.n.p.n.NetworkNode: NetworkNode shutdown started Jun-15 07:39:32.436 [pool-31-thread-1] INFO h.n.p.n.NetworkNode: Shutdown immediately because no connections are open. Jun-15 07:39:32.437 [pool-31-thread-1] INFO h.c.a.HavenoExecutable: Shutting down wallet and connection services Jun-15 07:39:32.439 [pool-31-thread-1] INFO h.c.x.w.XmrWalletService: Shutting down XmrWalletService Jun-15 07:39:32.453 [pool-31-thread-1] INFO h.c.x.w.XmrWalletService: Done shutting down XmrWalletService Jun-15 07:39:32.454 [pool-31-thread-1] INFO h.c.a.XmrConnectionService: Shutting down XmrConnectionService Jun-15 07:39:32.455 [pool-31-thread-1] INFO h.c.a.HavenoExecutable: Graceful shutdown completed. Exiting now. Jun-15 07:39:32.458 [pool-31-thread-1] WARN h.c.p.PersistenceManager: Application has not completed start up yet so we do not flush data to disk. Jun-15 07:39:32.458 [pool-31-thread-1] INFO h.c.a.HavenoExecutable: Graceful shutdown flushed persistence. Exiting now. Jun-15 07:39:32.459 [pool-31-thread-1] INFO h.d.a.HavenoApp: App shutdown complete

woodser commented 2 weeks ago

The only difference with Tor in 1.0.7 is enabling the proof of work defense flag in torcc.

woodser commented 1 week ago

I'm doubting it was an issue introduced in 1.0.7 with the proof of work flag.

Some things you can try:

Or if you recently changed your Java installation, that could be a cause.

Please let us know if this doesn't work.

boldsuck commented 1 week ago

Warning Connecting to the Haveno network failed (reported error: Could not setup Tor). Please check your internet connection or try to restart the application.

Try the 'OPEN TOR SETTINGS' button in the Haveno app. And then 'DELETE OUTDATED TOR FILES AND SHUT DOWN'

Same with using bridges. What's interesting is that I can connect to Tor in browser with the same bridges that I can't connect to Haveno with.

Tor-browser has its own tor daemon and runs in a different tor data directory.