haveric / StackableItems

Minecraft Bukkit plugin that allows you to change the default stack size of items.
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Possible incompatibility with CraftingPlus #51

Closed harl closed 10 years ago

harl commented 11 years ago


it seems there's some sort of incompatibility between StackableItems and CraftingPlus that prevents shift-clicking items in a Crafting PlusBench from working as intended, causing those items to be transferred (you could say duplicated - or given) instead of used up & crafted like they should (similar to the way it works at a furnace, crafting table etc). CraftingPlus re-uses the chest layout to automatically offer items that could otherwise be crafted at a standard crafting table, based on items the player carries in the inventory. It then crafts items when clicked (or shift-clicked) and uses up corresponding needed items from the inventory. I may be wrong, but I suppose, that there's a priority issue of some kind. StackableItems doesn't seem to be aware that a CraftingPlusBench is a CPB and not a chest - thus, in a chest layout, it would be better if StackableItems would somehow respect (or inherit) the shift-click functionality added by CraftingPlus (instead of overriding it). I hope that this can be resolved somehow.

Also, you may want to see comments #108 to #111 over at the C+ page.

harl commented 11 years ago

Cheers. Just letting you know this issue is still happening (with StackableItems 0.9.1 and CraftingPlus 6.2).

haveric commented 11 years ago

Thanks for letting me know, I might have to hook directly into the plugin for it to work unfortunately, but I'll see what I can do.

haveric commented 10 years ago

Unfortunately, I was not very active with handling these tickets and it would seem it is now too late to handle CraftingPlus as it is no longer being maintained, but I do have an idea that I will try to implement to handle future plugins with different inventory types.