havesource / cordova-plugin-push

Register and receive push notifications
MIT License
144 stars 276 forks source link

Better examples on how to use this plugin with Angular #179

Open shawnnolanjr opened 2 years ago

shawnnolanjr commented 2 years ago

Can we get some examples on how to use this plugin with frontend frameworks like Angular? That would be awesome, because this article https://ionicframework.com/docs/native/push is using the old (phonegap push plugin) and since it's deprecated and says to use this one, there aren't any good examples on how to use the modules in apps.


armandoxxx commented 2 years ago

if it's any help https://github.com/armandoxxx/AngularWithCordova I'm testing the same thing. My mobile app can load image from camera and photogallery .. load some remote data .. but I'm experiencing some problems with notification on IOS (android notifications works just fine) ... for Push plugin initialization and subscription to topic check services/notification.service.ts IOS problem described here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71779267/notifications-not-showing-on-ios-with-cordova-plugin-havesource-cordova-plugin

armandoxxx commented 2 years ago

I've fixed the problem with IOs .. check the latest code on github. Works like a charm

shawnnolanjr commented 1 year ago

I've fixed the problem with IOs .. check the latest code on github. Works like a charm

cool I'll have to check this out again, thx.