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HxGrid Inline Editing ValueChanged on HxInputNumber #754

Closed bluisanajmr closed 6 months ago

bluisanajmr commented 6 months ago

I have an HxGrid with inline editing. Everything works great up until the point where I wanted to create a valuechanged event for one of the inline HxInputNumber fields.

<HxGridColumn HeaderText="Quantity">
    <ItemTemplate Context="InvoiceLineItemContext">
        @if (edititem == InvoiceLineItemContext)
            <HxInputNumber TValue="Decimal" Value="@InvoiceLineItemContext.Quantity" ValueExpression="() => InvoiceLineItemContext.Quantity" ValueChanged="calculatequantity" Decimals="2" />

All of my other fields are using a simple bind like this.

 <HxGridColumn HeaderText="Price">
     <ItemTemplate Context="InvoiceLineItemContext">
         @if (edititem == InvoiceLineItemContext)
             <HxInputNumber @bind-Value="InvoiceLineItemContext.Price" Decimals="2" InputGroupStartText="$" />

The quantity inputnumber field renders but I am unable to get a value to bind in it. Any number that I enter into the inputnumber field changes back to 0 as soon as I move out of the field.

hakenr commented 6 months ago

How does your calculatequantity method look like? You have to save the value to the model there. In this setup I would strongly recommend using bind-Value="InvoiceLineItemContext.Quantity" bind-Value:after="calculatequantity" instead of ValueChanged.

bluisanajmr commented 6 months ago

Thanks Hadenr, bine-value:after worked perfectly.