havit / Havit.Blazor

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[HxInputDate] - Adding onBlur on HxInputDate leads to double-clicking issue on popup calendar #859

Open StarGazer202424 opened 1 month ago

StarGazer202424 commented 1 month ago


I have taken the example of the Havit demo page

<HxInputDate Label="Date" @bind-Value="@value" @onblur="Test" />

@code {
    public DateTime value { get; set; }

When you click in the controls and the calendar pops up and choose any date. The date chosen is filled on first click into the inputbox.

When you add an "onblur" event to the HxInputDate something happens and you must now click on the same date twcie to get the same previous result of the date being filled in the input box.

<HxInputDate Label="Date" @bind-Value="@value" @onblur="Test" />

@code {
    public DateTime value { get; set; }

    protected void Test()
        // do something

I am using Havit version 4.6.11

Expected Result:

When using the HxInputDate I expect to be able to add an "onblur" event on it and be able to still use the popup calendar and be able to click only once to choose a date.