havok89 / Hoosk

Hoosk Codeigniter CMS
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Apache Virtual Host Webroot #11

Closed marcoczen closed 8 years ago

marcoczen commented 8 years ago

Does Hoosk work in apache vhost ? where each vhost has its own webroot ?

marcoczen commented 8 years ago

mmm ... hoosk cms is not compatible with apache vhosts... OR NOT ?

I can get to the Installation Completed Page as shown below ...

Installation Completed! The default username is admin and password is h00sk Change these when you login! Please now delete the /install directory

|| Login ||

But when i click on the || Login || button, i get a message;

Not Found The requested URL /admin was not found on this server.

Any ideas anybody ?

Note that this is an openSuse box running apache 2.4 and php 5.4

marcoczen commented 8 years ago

Based on this thread How to install Hoosk with apache2 #8

  1. I realised the .htaccess file that comes with hoosk-master was not copied over.
  2. VHost config needs AllowOverride All
  3. Apache neds module rewrite enabled.

It would be good if this is added to the docs ?

marcoczen commented 8 years ago

I have added them to the wiki - newbie alerts

marcoczen commented 8 years ago

But opening a separate issue for that.