hawaiidatascience / metaflowmics

C-MAIKI ITS and 16S pipelines
Apache License 2.0
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Unknown configuration profile: 'singularity' #5

Closed Vikash84 closed 2 years ago

Vikash84 commented 4 years ago

nextflow run Pipeline-16S -profile singularity --reads "data/*_R{1,2}_001.fastq.gz" --referenceAln databases/silva/v138/silva.nr_v138.align --referenceTax databases/silva/v138/silva.nr_v138.tax

N E X T F L O W ~ version 20.04.1 Launching Pipeline-16S/main.nf [determined_ekeblad] - revision: d665331f9a Unknown configuration profile: 'singularity'

Puumanamana commented 3 years ago

Sorry I didn't see this issue before. There is no profile named singularity in the current version of the pipeline. You can choose "local" if you are running the pipeline locally, or create your own if you're running on a hpc or a cloud computing service.