hawklu212 / CPSC-455-Project

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Scrum 3 #39

Open hawklu212 opened 2 years ago

hawklu212 commented 2 years ago

Answer 3 questions: ○ 1. What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)? ○ 2. What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? ○ 3. What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)?

hawklu212 commented 2 years ago

1.This past week, I worked on setting up the express server, converting the feasible useStates to redux, worked on getting the initial login/signup user credential ui setup (temporary solution) with express but no database yet, with error handling also. 2.Getting the login to persist after refresh was a bit confusing, but google helped solve that, understanding how the materialUI components worked for login/error was sort of confusing initially, but was worked through. 3.Setup the Mongodb database and create queries for retrieving and storing login, add additional feature to retrieve password, organize express routes to be indicative of their computation required for when http requests are sent.

FMuir commented 2 years ago
  1. This past week I worked on moving over the maps components to a new library, as well as set up other map functions such as search, as well as routes. I also added redux functionality for the results and developed the display for the results components. Finally I also reworked the design of the search page to align better with the ui design on the other pages.
  2. Largest challenge was working with the data that's returned from a direction service request, especially when trying to store it to redux, as you run into problems with it not being serializable, as well as running into some issues with the asynchronous nature of the call.
  3. Look at moving over functionality of a lot of the maps requests to the backend, look at making the results components responsive and the map respond to selection of certain results components. Commence integration of the elevation API and the processing we will need for that.
justinjao commented 2 years ago
  1. The past week, I continued working on the frontend by adding a navigation component to the main search page, as well as experimenting with some custom styling for components. I then pivoted to looking further into the various Google Maps APIs and began sketching out in further detail and making decisions about how exactly we want to interface with them (e.g. which requests for frontend/backend). I also spent some time looking over the various PRs from the rest of the group.
  2. I spent a fair amount of time working on trying to implement custom styling into our project, but this may or may not end up being incorporated into the project, as it does add a level of complexity, and the default MaterialUI components styling may turn out to be sufficient for our needs. Planning out how exactly we want to divvy up the requests to the APIs via the front/backend was also quite challenging, as there isn't really a right answer.
  3. Planning on continuing to incorporate MaterialUI to improve the UI of the frontend. I am also planning on drafting up some sample requests from the backend to provide some standardized templates we can use to make requests to the Google Maps APIs, determine what the actual API calls we will be making, and how to use a NodeJS backend client that we found to make these requests.