hawknetwork / sealnote-plus

Android app for keeping encrypted notes
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Ensure modification notices are correctly applied to forked cardslib #52

Open ajburley opened 5 years ago

ajburley commented 5 years ago

After merging cardslib 1.6.0 into the codebase locally, I had to make a number of changes to cardslib to get it to even build (see #37 for details on some of these). Unfortunately these won't be tracked by git as it never "saw" the original files before modification (as at that time it couldn't build). I need to do a full diff between vanilla 1.6.0 and this fork, and make sure modification notices are applied properly. I think I got most of them but this will confirm for definite. I will post a summary of the diff here. Any future changes will be tracked by Git.

Also, Apache 2 doesn't require you to list all the ways in which a file was modified, only mark that it was modified, so probably the existing modification notices are a bit overkill.

Also, the section in the README should be used primarily to notify file deletions (as these can't have modification notices themselves), and to act as a modification notice about the README itself, rather than trying to be an exhaustive list of all changes.

ajburley commented 5 years ago

Here's the full diff after closing #37:

diff -r ./cardslib/build.gradle ./SealNotePlus/cardslib/build.gradle
> // Modified by SealNote Plus project to move variables to the root and to upgrade Gradle
<         classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:0.10.+'
<         classpath 'com.jakewharton.sdkmanager:gradle-plugin:0.10.+'
>         classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.4.2'
< }
< ext {
<     compileSdkVersion = 19
<     buildToolsVersion = "19.0.3"
diff -r ./cardslib/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties ./SealNotePlus/cardslib/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties
< #Wed Jan 29 22:27:25 CET 2014
> #Tue Jul 16 19:57:27 BST 2019
< distributionUrl=http\://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-1.11-bin.zip
> distributionUrl=http\://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-1.11-all.zip
Only in ./SealNotePlus/cardslib/library: build
diff -r ./cardslib/library/build.gradle ./SealNotePlus/cardslib/library/build.gradle
< apply plugin: 'android-sdk-manager'
> // Modified by SealNote Plus project to remove SDK Manager, add variable prefix and remove build tools version
<     compileSdkVersion rootProject.ext.compileSdkVersion
<     buildToolsVersion rootProject.ext.buildToolsVersion
>     compileSdkVersion rootProject.ext.cardslib_compileSdkVersion
Only in ./SealNotePlus/cardslib/library: library.iml
diff -r ./cardslib/library/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml ./SealNotePlus/cardslib/library/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
> <!-- Modified by SealNote Plus project to remove min SDK version and target SDK version -->
<     <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="14" android:targetSdkVersion="19" />
diff -r ./cardslib/library/src/main/java/it/gmariotti/cardslib/library/view/ForegroundLinearLayout.java ./SealNotePlus/cardslib/library/src/main/java/it/gmariotti/cardslib/library/view/ForegroundLinearLayout.java
> // Modified by SealNote Plus project to change foregroundInsidePadding reference to not use private reference
<                 R.styleable.ForegroundLinearLayout_android_foregroundInsidePadding, true);
>                 R.styleable.ForegroundLinearLayout_foregroundInsidePadding, true);
diff -r ./cardslib/library/src/main/res/values/attrs.xml ./SealNotePlus/cardslib/library/src/main/res/values/attrs.xml
> <!-- Modified by the SealNote Plus project to remove android prefix from foregroundInsidePadding -->
<         <attr name="android:foregroundInsidePadding" />
>         <attr name="foregroundInsidePadding" />
Only in ./SealNotePlus/cardslib/library-extra: build
diff -r ./cardslib/library-extra/build.gradle ./SealNotePlus/cardslib/library-extra/build.gradle
< apply plugin: 'android-sdk-manager'
> // Modified by SealNote Plus project to remove SDK Manager, add variable prefix, change compile to implementation, remove build tools version
<     compileSdkVersion rootProject.ext.compileSdkVersion
<     buildToolsVersion rootProject.ext.buildToolsVersion
>     compileSdkVersion rootProject.ext.cardslib_compileSdkVersion
<     compile project(':library')
>     implementation project(':library')
<     compile 'com.etsy.android.grid:library:1.0.4'
>     implementation 'com.etsy.android.grid:library:1.0.4'
<     compile 'com.nhaarman.listviewanimations:library:2.6.0'
>     implementation 'com.nhaarman.listviewanimations:library:2.6.0'
Only in ./SealNotePlus/cardslib/library-extra: library-extra.iml
diff -r ./cardslib/library-extra/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml ./SealNotePlus/cardslib/library-extra/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
> <!-- Modified by SealNote Plus project to remove min SDK version and target SDK version -->
<     <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="14" android:targetSdkVersion="19" />
diff -r ./cardslib/README.md ./SealNotePlus/cardslib/README.md
< # Card Library
< Travis master: [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/gabrielemariotti/cardslib.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/gabrielemariotti/cardslib)
< Travis dev: [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/gabrielemariotti/cardslib.svg?branch=dev)](https://travis-ci.org/gabrielemariotti/cardslib)
> # Card Library
> Modifications
> -------------
> This project has been modified by the SealNote Plus project as follows:
> - Added this modifications section to the readme and removed the CI links
> - Deleted the demo directory to save space
> - Modified files which referred to foregroundInsidePadding, due to AAPT2 errors
> - Upgraded to Gradle Plugin 3.4.2 and removed the SDK Manager Plugin (which is not needed in plugin version 2.2.0+)