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Added Floating Action Button for Alert Setup #223

Closed pg301 closed 7 years ago

pg301 commented 7 years ago

Added new fragment to display the setup form Added some setters in Trigger model class Bindings setup and data extraction from the form

pg301 commented 7 years ago


On clicking FAB, I am adding a new tab in the main activity viewpager with the setup alert fragment.

pilhuhn commented 7 years ago

@jshaughn Can you please have a look at the above list of parameters and help @pg301 with what makes sense ? I could imagine for example that the ID is created behind the scenes

pg301 commented 7 years ago


I followed this documentation while making the form. The ids are generated automatically if not explicitly defined by the user. If there are changes required then please let me know.

screen shot 2017-06-19 at 10 05 58 pm
pg301 commented 7 years ago

@pilhuhn I wanted to give the user total control over editing the trigger values, so I have included all possible editable options in the form. I will remove some in case they aren't needed.

jshaughn commented 7 years ago

'Setup Trigger' is probably best. If preferred the 'Id' field can be dropped and if not supplied to the REST call it will be assigned a UUID. If this is a UI for defining triggers it will need a way to define a condition. We should probably start simple and perhaps allow only a single-condition trigger. As soon as we allow multiple conditions we'd need the 'Matching' option: ALL | ANY. We could eliminate AutoResolve for now because AutoResolve itself requires its own condition(s) and has a few options. It may be best to have that option open up a dedicated section.

I didn't know we had any sort of alerting UI being worked on, so that's pretty cool in general.

KeenWarrior commented 7 years ago

@pg301 This is not looking nice. Lets move creating trigger to child activity. And fab to add these should preferably be not on fav activity but on activity fetching from remote.

pg301 commented 7 years ago

@pilhuhn @jshaughn I will drop the id field and it will be a single condition trigger for now. @garg-anuj will make it a child activity.

KeenWarrior commented 7 years ago

@pg301 Add toolbar with describing activity and back arrow to parent activity

pg301 commented 7 years ago

@garg-anuj Sure!

pg301 commented 7 years ago


Here's a GIF showing the requested changes