hawson / darksky2influxpy

Pull data from darksky.net, and put it into influxdb, suitable for later pulling and graphing in Grafana, et al
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pb: write to influxbd #1

Open stef30360 opened 6 years ago

stef30360 commented 6 years ago

Hi, There is a problem when a script write to influxdb: influxdb.write(points, params=influxdb_parameters, protocol='line')

retur this error message:

InfluxDBClientError: 400: {"error":"unable to parse 'weather,lat=4.2333,loc=Saint_maurice,long= 44.0333 apparentTemperature=77.85,cloudCover=0.35,dewPoint=61.48,humidity=0.58,ozone=262.97,precipIntensity=0,precipProbability=0,pressure=1016.29,temperature=77.68,time=1531637236,uvIndex=5,visibility=10,windBearing=210,windGust=26.65,windSpeed=18.76 1531637236': missing tag value"}

I think that is a last value ('missing tag value'), how can I delete this ? best stef

hawson commented 5 years ago

Looks like you have an extra space in the long tag:

weather,lat=4.2333,loc=Saint_maurice,long= 44.0333 apparentTemperature=77.85

Can you please check the config dict in the script, and make sure there isn't an extra space there by mistake?