hawx / guard-sass

Guard::Sass automatically rebuilds sass files when modified (like sass --watch)
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Sass conversion doesn't seem to trigger guards on output file on Guard > 0.5.1 #18

Closed napcs closed 13 years ago

napcs commented 13 years ago

On Guard 0.5.1 with guard-sass, guard-coffeescript and guard-jammit, I can do the following:

Convert sass/app.sass to tmp/app.css Convert coffeescripts/app.coffee to tmp/app.js Have Jammit watch tmp/_js for changes to build assets/app.js Have Jammit watch tmp/_css for changes to build assets/app.js

With Guard 0.6.0 up to the latest, the guard-sass gem seems to no longer fire Jammit's watcher on the tmp folder after saving, while the guard-coffeescript gem behaves as normal. I've spent a couple of hours comparing the code in Guard and the code in this gem with the guard-coffeescript gem and can't figure out what could have caused this.

For reference, here's a Guardfile:

guard "sass", :input => "sass", :output => "tmp"
guard "coffeescript", :input => "coffeescripts", :output => "tmp"

guard "jammit" do


Saving the .sass file creates the tmp/.css file perfectly, but the notification doesn't seem to be happening. Any clues where I can start looking? I hate the "it doesn't work" bug reports, but I didn't see anything obvious.