hax / refactor

Refactoring support in Atom.
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Investigate keybindings #22

Open hax opened 8 years ago

hax commented 8 years ago

There are many complain about current keybinding settings, especially on win32. I need more time to investigate and will update this issue.


Current keybinding: ctrl-alt-r may be have conflict in DE-de layout?

key source
ctrl-alt-c atom-ternjs:rename
ctrl-cmd-g find-and-replace:replace-all
ctrl-cmd-E Xcode: Edit all in scope
F2 VS Code: editor.action.rename


Current keybinding: ctrl-alt-r which is conflict with window:reload

key source
? atom-ternjs:rename
? find-and-replace:replace-all
ctrl-d Highlight Selected
shift+f6 IntelliJ
IPWright83 commented 8 years ago

It'd be really nice if you gave some instruction on how to change the key-binding. I've just installed Atom editor to try and although I've found the keymap.cson file I have no idea what I should be putting in there...

hax commented 8 years ago

@IPWright83 Good idea, I add a example in README.

jesusjimsa commented 7 years ago

I have tried all combinations of keybindings but it continues not working, I'm on a Mac with Sierra.

danielancines commented 7 years ago

I'm using Mac OS Sierra and the keybinding ctrl-cmd-r worked for me.

brian-lamb-software-engineer commented 7 years ago

On windows-7 nothing works for me, tried every suggestion here

I have seen some not sure about whats mapped, and others not check, so word-to-the-wise make sure when you guys are trying to find existing keys that are already mapped, you go to File->Settings->keybindings, then type in teh combo to search for it, to see whats already mapped in that area. Reload atom each time you make a key change.

carestad commented 6 years ago

How does it work in Linux?

FDiskas commented 6 years ago

for me it's never worked on linux mac and windows peace of ...

akisan83 commented 5 years ago

Still can't?