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Remove the store command @basro #1384

Open r00t-ux opened 3 years ago

r00t-ux commented 3 years ago

@basro Hello, my friend mentioned about this bug. Here is the link https://github.com/haxball/haxball-issues/issues/1383 People spend a lot of time while creating maps and someone can come and steal this work in seconds. This isn't logical and fair, so you should remove the store command. -Shingeki

intehar commented 3 years ago

@basro You can remove the store command, because people who make maps spend serious time

SemsekMeke commented 3 years ago

You can remove the "store" command. We are efforts on maps. It will be better for all of us.

SemsekMeke commented 3 years ago


vvaln commented 3 years ago

The only thing we can do as individuals is just to contact. And we are doing this, if you dont even try it then specify this. No you tried and it cant be solved, then specify this with an explanation so that the coders, programmers can tell us how it cant be solved. But they always say that there is just one way that @basro can do something.

I'm not interested in the time that i spend for my maps. Cuz one way or another i will spend my time and i will make something that can not feed me (!) . I'm interested in the time that i spend for playing my maps, and the players that love my maps. I made my maps for that people and that people can not play them cuz of these ' stealing fucking bug ' !

Do you want a vulnerable website really? Do you really dont want to fix your(!) website !? Oh, come on dude, you can do sth better, I got faith in you..

vvaln commented 3 years ago

@basro Hey, have a nice day mate. This little cute game always seemed like a kid back yard to me. The low population of funny kids were having good time here. Me myself and my friends here all of us want you to recognize our little back yard which you left for eternity ! Honestly i was surprised about that HTML5 update :D . Cuz as I said the game was abandoned ! I guess haxball exists for the ones who want to hang out with his own decisions, in freedom and with friends. This 2d game satisfies all of this important worths that cost too much for the other games.

I'm a mapmaker who edits every map to learn something. I'm a mapmaker who tries to find the right parameters of a futsal ball ! If I dont want to make a futsal ball, then who is gonna play futsal maps? I'm a mapmaker who tries to make new fun maps, if i dont try new things then who is gonna burn down the fun rooms ! Do you know even if there are so much maps, too less of them are precious and there are just a few professional mapmakers?

Right now, we need help. If you didnt own the game, then we wouldnt get mad at you, but we did. If I talk for myself its so annoying that I struggle to make new things with my mapmaker friends and someone gets it just in 4-5 seconds, then shares it on haxmaps, comes to my room again, and sends the link to me ! He called me thief on my map which he shared like he made the map. Thank God all of my friends know what can i do on a map, right?

Or should we thank you for your ' duty ' ? Come on, get your ass and do what you gotta do ! You do know what you gotta do..

Or wait for ice bear to eat you up ! ( this was serious by the way)

Note : it would be disrespectful for all to do not what needs to be done !

poinkler commented 3 years ago

@basro We shouldn't throw away people's efforts to make maps. Mr. Basro, can you please remove the /store command from the game?

sisyy commented 3 years ago

Map makers spend a lot of time making these maps. As long as this bug in haxball is gone, the efforts of many makers will be wasted. Unless this bug is fixed, haxball is nothing more than a labor thief's nest. This is not fair so we ask you to remove the store command even if you can't do anything about it. @basro

BlackHole31 commented 3 years ago

@basro Please dont let steal our maps because they stealing our maps and playing. We have some map makers and Our Room owner is Shingeki working too much. Our request is : Remove the store command or do another thing for block stealing. Because we stopped opening our rooms for now.

Vhagar26 commented 3 years ago

@basro Hi, I am one of the famous map maker in this game. I can say this about this subject; Sometimes it takes hours to make a single map. By the way, 6 years of experience + hours. That's why we make some maps only for our server and our friends. But with these thieves it doesn't matter. As a suggestion you can remove the store command. I will not continue the making map until this issue is resolved. I also mentioned this in the description of my haxmaps account. https://haxmaps.com/author/2408

tratoxic99 commented 3 years ago

@basro have a nice day, We would be glad if you are interested in this subject.

jeanvaljean1358 commented 3 years ago

@basro The /store command should be removed, mapmakers' efforts should not be in vain.

HaxballMan commented 3 years ago

@basro Hello, I am one of the old map maker in this game. Making maps is a long and arduous task and sometimes we prefer to give the maps we make to the people we trust or keep them for ourselves rather than making them public. But the /store command sometimes causes the things we want to go wrong. I think it would be pretty nice if an important precaution could be taken for this command. Have a nice day.

thenorthstar commented 3 years ago

I think that he won't respond anything. Apparently he doesn't give a fuck to his own game. Anyway, there's no problem for me as I made my maps as nothing when stealed by someone. At least you can try to do this if basro doesn't make smth anymore (that is, to make your maps working by script). For example: https://haxmaps.com/map/12467

Lastiex commented 3 years ago

Theft of labor should be prevented, so this command should be removed.

Cigga commented 3 years ago

@basro People spend their time making these maps. It would be great if there was a precaution against the theft of maps. If you can't take action you can remove the store command

Alfadyr commented 3 years ago

Hey @basro, storing feature is nice and all but it is expendable comparing the problem mentionned. The issue is making the store feature partially useless anyway. Because what's the point of having the option of making a map unstorable if some douche can just reverse it? At least consider to have a look into this issue please.

basro commented 3 years ago

The store command has been here for 10 years already, the canBeStored flag on the other hand is very new (2 years) and is indeed not effective against tampering.

When I first implemented the canBeStored flag it was at the request of a mapper, I knew that this would happen and I warned him that it would. I did not advertise the flaw since that would only make it fail faster, so it makes sense that others would not expect it to fail. In hindsight this was a mistake.

Removing the store command wouldn't solve this issue, it'd just make it slightly harder for people who tamper with the game to extract the maps. So I will not remove the store command, if anything I'd consider removing the canBeStored flag since it's ineffective.

There's quite literally no solution to this, so you will have to accept that the maps will be shared around.

SemsekMeke commented 3 years ago

@basro Open a separate site where maps can be downloaded. Those who want to share share, those who do not want to share do not. You must give us this right.

1Alex36 commented 3 years ago

The store command has been here for 10 years already, the canBeStored flag on the other hand is very new (2 years) and is indeed not effective against tampering.

When I first implemented the canBeStored flag it was at the request of a mapper, I knew that this would happen and I warned him that it would. I did not advertise the flaw since that would only make it fail faster, so it makes sense that others would not expect it to fail. In hindsight this was a mistake.

Removing the store command wouldn't solve this issue, it'd just make it slightly harder for people who tamper with the game to extract the maps. So I will not remove the store command, if anything I'd consider removing the canBeStored flag since it's ineffective.

There's quite literally no solution to this, so you will have to accept that the maps will be shared around.

you should solve this

vvaln commented 3 years ago

@basro we are not talking about removing canBeStored. We are talking about removing the ' whole store thing ' . I mean, ' totally '. If you remove it who can steal it, mate ? You are not a fool you can understand that, why do you pretend like a fool? Do we really have to explain this? Dont you understand?

Hey earth to basro ! Are you there? Hear my roar ? !

r00t-ux commented 3 years ago

@basro as you know, in software the most important thing is making a plan. You need to fix this because it is a significant mistake. Do you think mapmakers are dumb? They are spending hours to make maps and you say you can't solve the problem. You knew all this would happen one day, and you added it. You can fix it. We both know that.

emcerci commented 3 years ago


Sometimes we spending our days,weeks and maybe months for the make maps. And those maps could be for the one person. And somebodies who we dont know can steal those maps with one command. This is very sad and annoying. We are working hard to make those maps and they can easily using that. And this is what comes to my mind when I want to make new maps. It is very big problem for the mappers. This is not fair. Please do somethings about that. We need your help.

thenorthstar commented 3 years ago

There's quite literally no solution to this, so you will have to accept that the maps will be shared around.

This means that the mappers' works are not worth of being protected, their opinions are not worth of being cared about and one can sell it anywhere as if his/her own work.

Just a small final request: A .hbs file can be patented for its author. For example, before the script goes and it should be written smth like //player name®// (this one must contain the name of the first and original creator and cannot be changed) as a command line at the bottom of code. Maybe this final paragraph is written on a wrong page but the creator of HaxPuck may heard of this in any means.

xlNonamelx commented 3 years ago

hi @basro, the store command needs to be removed, the maps are stolen because of the store command. We would be very happy if you fix this bug.

vha0gar commented 3 years ago

Now everyone is used to the store command. Removing it would be a big mistake. Also this command was your request and basro adapted it.

r00t-ux commented 3 years ago

@basro All the mapmakers are gathered here, if you add something for a mapper, you can't ignore the other ones. All the mapmakers and players are unhappy about this situation. You have to do something urgently about it.

sisyy commented 3 years ago

It's extremely frustrating. Rooms are not opened just because there is such a bug. Nobody can open and play the map they want in any room because there is a risk that the maps will be stolen at any time. We don't have to be nervous while playing games. You should fix this bug the way you did it. @basro We want you to fix the bug as soon as possible.

r00t-ux commented 3 years ago

@vha0gar stop behaving like Vhagar. You are not Vhagar. There is a serious problem here.

sisyy commented 3 years ago

A lot of players and map makers united just because these maps were stolen. We love playing this game and this silly bug is ruining everything. Utter nonsense.

genals commented 3 years ago

This really is the summit of outrage. Who do you think you are? You band together to form a mob to put pressure on basro? You haven't even understood what he wrote. Again, very clearly for everyone: Your map is saved in EVERY replay. Regardless of whether there is a store command or not. Everyone who records a replay has your map. One just need to extract it. Do you also want this feature to be removed?

iAmLuks commented 3 years ago


The only possible solution that I can think of is headless rooms recreating maps using headless commands.

This can be possible using joints, but we should have option to make joint lines not always have a wall mask so they can act like solid. ( Essentially give Joints same function as Segments )

So when map is loaded you just load circles in one place and script puts them in place, this way it's harder to tamper with a map file that only has circles.

r00t-ux commented 3 years ago

@genals I know these, he knows these too. Therefore I didn't explain in detail because the important thing is to take action and fix this situation.

ghost commented 3 years ago

I think I found a solution!

All you have to do is add the following code to the map file.

"canBeStored" : false,


thenorthstar commented 3 years ago

I think I found a solution!

All you have to do is add the following code to the map file.

"canBeStored" : false,

@Enesbey635 Dude you are too far from the solution of this problem. This the problem that the canBeStored:false doesn't protect the map from being stealed. 😒

genals commented 3 years ago

@genals I know these, he knows these too. Therefore I didn't explain in detail because the important thing is to take action and fix this situation.

There is no fix as basro wrote.

One solution could be to only allow authorized players who you trust to join the room.

Or as iAmLuks wrote to use the headless api. Parts of the map could still be stolen but it will make it a lot harder to get the whole map.

To complete the missing parts might be too much of an effort for someone who just wants to copy someone else's work.

thenorthstar commented 3 years ago

In fact the system is all wrong from the start. So, imo all the stuff (HaxBall, HaxPuck and HaxMaps) have to be managed by a single hand and have to have an account system which holds players' e-mail address and other technical stuff (IP address and mac address).

Also, all the maps have a checksum property which makes them unique. So that checksums can be licensed to their author (with the /store command removed) and then can be published by its author on the map site.

Now, it's not end yet. Also there can be a win-win logic. For example, all the maps on the site can have a cost (based on the character length on a single line) and the site can get a commission by all the downloads of them. So, all the map makers and the site owner earns money.

At least I would make HaxBall so if I were Basro. Frankly what do you think about the above, I'm curious about...

vvaln commented 3 years ago


You can watch this to see a map thief. If you watch it you will see me as valn. I'm telling him that he mentioned he doesnt share 'stealing method' before. ( #1383 ) He doesn't even hear me and loads my maps :ı

BlackHole31 commented 3 years ago

I think I found a solution!

All you have to do is add the following code to the map file.

"canBeStored" : false,


r00t-ux commented 3 years ago

@genals "One solution could be to only allow authorized players who you trust to join the room." :D You're so smart, i never thought about that but unfortunately, i shared this method with everyone. If you have smarter solutions, please don't hesitate to make comment.There is always a solution but you believe everyting you're told. I'm feeling sad for you. He just didn't want to deal with it.

vha0gar commented 3 years ago

### I think this is not a problem, so there is no need to look for a solution. Let him share his maps regularly. Leave the man alone, it's nice to share, dirty creatures. :)

gabrielbrunop commented 2 years ago

You can partially solve this problem by putting all your discs on the 0,0 position and then make the bot move them to the right positions using the setDiscProperties method. You could go as far as letting them have 0 radius and black color and programatically change it when the game is started. The stealer will still be able to get the map's segments and other configurations but if your map is disc heavy then it definitely will make the stealer's life difficult.

For instance, if your 2nd disc is at 40,50 position, is red and has 50 radius, move it to 0,0 and change all its properties to default values. Then modify it on the onGameStart event:

room.onGameStart = () => {
    room.setDiscProperties(1, { x: 40, y: 50, color: 0xFF0000, radius: 50 });

Also @basro could solve this by loading different parts of the map separately. Then the server would only send chunks of the map at a time instead of the whole file at once, and in a way that is unrecognizable (or simply non-JSON).