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Youtube Channel - Tutorials #539

Open HaxBoss opened 5 years ago

HaxBoss commented 5 years ago

Hi Guys, I'm a haxball fan and interested in coding so I create a Youtube Channel where I explain you guys how to make a nice bot controlled room. If you want to give a look at the Channel you can do it here, Thanks!

Raamyy commented 5 years ago

I think You need to add some audio effects/music to the tutorials, Everybody will be very bored when watching this king of muted videos.

Anyways I can help you making these tutorials, If you need contact me! :smile:

HaxBoss commented 5 years ago

I know @Raamyy in fact it is the first thing I have to do. Anyway any other suggestion is appreciated

Panczo commented 5 years ago

Great materials, there are very valuable. From my side what you can do:

  1. What do you thing about using your voice instead of writing it? I don't know what other pp think about it, but for me tutorials with lector are more useful.
  2. You can upload your code snippet to the github so everyone could take a look at it.
  3. At the end of the video add information about next tutorial.
  4. Is it possible to change players physic?
  5. Create a tutorial about hosting it on the vpn server :).

Once again great job.