haxeui / hxWidgets

Haxe externs (and wrappers) for wxWidgets
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Adding -lib haxeui-hxwidgets breaks hxcpp build of thx.core code #58

Open iamfraggle opened 5 years ago

iamfraggle commented 5 years ago

I have a project in HaxeDevelop that uses part of the thx.core library, targetting C++ on Windows. I wish to include a GUI based on haxeui and hxwidgets. Unfortunately, adding haxeui-hxwidgets as a library to my project breaks the existing build. This is before I import any modules into the code itself; the mere act of adding the library to the list in the Project causes the error. If I add haxeui-openfl instead I do not get the error.

The error I get is during the C++ build with MSVC2017 while compiling boot.cpp: include\thx/bigint/Small.h(65): error C2628: 'thx::bigint::Small' followed by 'char' is illegal (did you forget a ';'?)

I get 12 of these errors, in each case the line is a variant of: ::Dynamic addSmall( ::thx::bigint::Small small);

Version numbers are: haxe_ver="3.407" haxeui_core="0.0.4" haxeui-hxwidgets="0.0.3" thx.core="0.43.0" [edit] hxcpp="4.0.4" hxcpp_api_level="331" [/edit]

iamfraggle commented 5 years ago

I should note that, other than a comment at the top of the file, the failing files are identical between good and bad builds.

ianharrigan commented 5 years ago

Hi, is there any chance you might be able to include a skeleton / fake project with just the offending parts in it? That would make it easier to test / reproduce just to make sure we are on the same page.

Cheers, Ian

iamfraggle commented 5 years ago

Sure HaxeTest.zip

ianharrigan commented 5 years ago

Thanks, i can reproduce... ... very strange. :/

ianharrigan commented 5 years ago

Im not quite sure what to do here - ive tried a few things, none with success. I feel like its a macro issue, possibly hxcpp, is there a thx GH that is best to cross ref this to? Its certainly very strange as i cant see why haxeui macros should be interfering with thx macros. :/

iamfraggle commented 5 years ago

I believe this is the relevant GitHub page: https://github.com/fponticelli/thx.core

iamfraggle commented 5 years ago

Out of interest, did I post this in the wrong repo? I now see there is a separate haxeui/haxeui-hxwidgets repo. I have a separate issue to report on the hxwidgets lib (as opposed to the haxeui-hxwidgets lib) and I'm wondering if this is the right place for that?

ianharrigan commented 5 years ago

Im not sure to be honest, i feel like this is most probably a hxWidgets issue, so its in the right place.