haxsaw / hikaru

Move smoothly between Kubernetes YAML and Python for creating/updating/componentizing configurations.
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Full correctness checking of objects #36

Open smokaleksander opened 1 year ago

smokaleksander commented 1 year ago

Hi, Do You plan somewhere in future to provide full object checking? It would be awesome to check if created object fulfil all the criteria, like max 64 characters in pod name etc.

Something similar as kubectl apply --dry-run to validate yamls.

haxsaw commented 1 year ago

Hi, Sorry, I'm not ignoring this, I've just be swamped. Just wondering if you've tried setting the dry_run="All" parameter to things like the create on a resource? I've gotten useful error messages out previously when I've done this. If I'm consuming those I'll look for a way to allowing them through. But I was doing some other testing and got messages with useful errors in this way. I will have a deeper look into this at some point.