Change theme as menu setting on its own.
Add themes common to WordPress / press books
Tag themes using HaxSchema
Menu button for request theme be added that links into issue queue
Hover animates / plays a gif. This comes from a screenshot of an autogenerated haxcms space using vercel to take the screenshot / scroll. Then 0 maintenance on creation part
Work this as stand alone element so can be added to hax app dashboard as well
[x] research how GravCMS / Wordpress / W_x and S-uare-pace communicate about themes
[x] review micro-copy as well as tagging, data, features, filtering and visuals
[x] Design figma prototype to include this as a stand alone app assuming it reads off a data structure (this should be JOS based structure but it's for theme data instead of page data)
[x] Review existing themes and update micro-copy
[ ] Generate theme json data by parsing a theme registration json blob (bryan)
[ ] Gap analysis; relative to planned themes in the issue queue, what should we target next?
[ ] Creating the components based on DDD to be the haxcms-theme-picker-item vs theme-picker vs theme-picker-filter controls
[ ] Visual option for "selected" when it's the currently selected item; event capability for wiring in if picking and setting value @value-changed on the theme-picker tag
[ ] Can we remove / reduce the settings that are currently shipped for all themes in this menu (color, icon, logo, banner)
[ ] envision how this fits into the site settings menu (is it a dialog on it's own and needs a new endpoint or is it just focusing on the settings in metadata being updated but this is not allowing you to modify the rest of it)
Change theme as menu setting on its own. Add themes common to WordPress / press books Tag themes using HaxSchema Menu button for request theme be added that links into issue queue Hover animates / plays a gif. This comes from a screenshot of an autogenerated haxcms space using vercel to take the screenshot / scroll. Then 0 maintenance on creation part Work this as stand alone element so can be added to hax app dashboard as well
on thetheme-picker