haxxnz / vaxxnz

NZ COVID Vaccination Finder - community project
MIT License
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Show CalendarError when there are no locations around you #321

Closed isaacy2012 closed 3 years ago

isaacy2012 commented 3 years ago

Proposed Changes

  1. If there are no bookings available, it displays an error message instead of a calendar full of "0 bookings available".
  2. Added "noVacApptToBook" to en-NZ translation.

Additional Info.

Closes #274

Screenshots (optional)

Screenshot 2021-11-01 002056

netlify[bot] commented 3 years ago

✔️ Deploy Preview for vaxxnz ready!

🔨 Explore the source changes: 3a2bfa7362d3ac260274b3055d8b7c73b108e2c6

🔍 Inspect the deploy log: https://app.netlify.com/sites/vaxxnz/deploys/617e7c88aa7a1a00081fe8c3

😎 Browse the preview: https://deploy-preview-321--vaxxnz.netlify.app/

noway commented 3 years ago

I will review this today!!