haxxnz / vaxxnz

NZ COVID Vaccination Finder - community project
MIT License
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Sort locations in the booking modal #54

Open oeed opened 2 years ago

oeed commented 2 years ago

When you open the booking modal by clicking a date on the calendar, let users sort by:

Francismb commented 2 years ago

It looks like it is already sorted by distance... I think what would be very beneficial is to be able to select the time that you want to get a vaccine and it shows you the nearest locations that can provide a vaccine at that time?

oeed commented 2 years ago

Yeah this came up on the Discord last night. You raise a good point though, number of lots available isn't really helpful on it's own.

Maybe we could have a way of filtering out/dimming times? i.e. let users pick 'morning', 'midday', etc. and times outside that are hidden/dimmed? Thoughts @waltzaround ?

Francismb commented 2 years ago

I think that is a much better solution! Currently I also feel the user needs to scroll quite a bit in order to see all available times for all locations on that date.

waltzaround commented 2 years ago

Agreed, would be worth exploring how we aggregate and sort by time here

waltzaround commented 2 years ago

so as opposed to how we do it now


noway commented 2 years ago

We need a design for this :heart: (more of a high fi visual)

Francismb commented 2 years ago

I have started work on a quick select at the top. User will be able to select 'Morning', 'Midday', 'Afternoon', 'Evening' and that will limit the times we show and possibly the amount of locations also. I believe the idea of vaxx.nz is to show times instead of locations first which is what the government booking website got wrong right? I think we should continue heading in that direction. Keen on feedback though!

noway commented 2 years ago

@Francismb Nice. I personally like the idea. Not only sorting, but filtering too.

Let's do it 🚀