hayd / pep8radius

PEP8 clean only the parts of the files touched since the last commit, a previous commit or (the merge-base of) a branch.
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possible bugs in autopep8 (to file) #2

Open hayd opened 10 years ago

hayd commented 10 years ago

Note: autopep8 is safe (conservative), these "bugs" are to make it more aggressive in what it can fix.

Should confirm these/provide tests and pass upstream/fix:

Note: we'll obviously need to require a later version if/once these are fixed!

Consider copying some of my examples in the unittests for range there here.

hayd commented 10 years ago

Weird edge case, but I don't think indentation is fixed at all with line_range:

code = 'a = 1\n\ndef f(x):\n  a = 1\n  def g(x):\n         pass\n  c = 1\n\na = 1\n\nb = 1\nc = 1'
options = autopep8.parse_args(['--range 6 6'])  # 6 is the over-indented pass line
autopep8.fix_code(code, options)

Similarly with 5-7 or even 2-9 indentation is not fixed 4 spaces.

Will investigate a little, I'm not sure where the indentation fixes are being applied (perhaps it's a won't fix).

hayd commented 10 years ago

big PR for this in autopep8 is pending. Will fix almost all of these edge cases (one edge case with comments on there own, i.e. not in a passed range, could look into in the future, not so important IMO).

hayd commented 10 years ago

pr has been merged.

point release is probably in the next week

hayd commented 10 years ago

I thought I fixed the one with comments, but perhaps I was mistaken (it seems to indent them sometimes, when there is no reason to do so). Maybe comments in multi-indented code get indented, IIRC is non-tokenization of comments.

hayd commented 10 years ago

argh, I was sure used to work (indentation would fix in the middle, perhaps this is turned off in autopep8??):

def f(x):
   foo()  # edit this line, only two spaces

Also (and this is a pretty bad one):

if True:
    # edit this comment, then gets indented

can't seem to reproduce either..

EDIT: failing example

s = 'if True:\n  if True:\n    if True:\n      # bah\n      pass\n'
args = autopep8.parse_args(['', '--range', '4', '5'])

print autopep8.fix_code(s, args)

if True:
  if True:
    if True:
          # bah