Issue found by @day01 with negative IV from the Let's be rational IV calculation. We should either fix this or handle it properly.
In stochastic tests I get an issue
fn test_implied_volatility_random(f in 50.0_f64..150.0_f64, k in 50.0_f64..150.0_f64, price in 0.01_f64..100.0_f64, t in 0.1_f64..2.0_f64, q in any::<u8>().prop_map(|x| if x % 2 == 0 { OptionType::Call } else { OptionType::Put })) {
let iv = implied_volatility_from_a_transformed_rational_guess(price, f, k, t, q);
let a = f64::total_cmp(&iv, &0.0);
println!("Comparison result: {:?}", a);
println!("Random Test - Implied Volatility: {:?}, f {:?}, k {:?} price {:?} t {:?} q {:?}", iv, f, k, price, t, q);
assert!(!iv.is_sign_negative(), "Implied Volatility is negative");
assert!(iv >= 0.0, "Implied Volatility is {}", iv);
with parameters like:
Comparison result: Less
Random Test - Implied Volatility: -1.7976931348623157e308, f 145.23533118406826, k 50.0 price 0.01 t 0.1 q Call
thread 'lets_be_rational::tests::test_implied_volatility_random' panicked at src/
Implied Volatility is negative
Based on my knowledge IV cannot be negative.
Probably algorithm in cpp has a bug in numeric calculation, somewhere we should round to zero or we got underflow unchecked...
Issue found by @day01 with negative IV from the Let's be rational IV calculation. We should either fix this or handle it properly.
In stochastic tests I get an issue
with parameters like:
Based on my knowledge IV cannot be negative. Probably algorithm in cpp has a bug in numeric calculation, somewhere we should round to zero or we got underflow unchecked...
Originally posted by @day01 in