hayeah / rubish

Ruby Interacive Shell
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Can't assign result of a command execution to a variable #1

Open sohocoke opened 13 years ago

sohocoke commented 13 years ago

It appears the result of an assignment of the results of a call to Command#map, ends up with the variable pointing to the Command, rather than the result Array.

parkan@xldn3743vdap:~$ irb -rrubish
>> Rubish.repl
> ls
archived_  Documents  logs     Movies    pkgs    src
bin        Downloads  mmt      Music     public  tmp
Desktop    Library    mob-dev  Pictures  Public  vpworkspace
> files = ls.map
> puts files
#<Rubish::Command:0x98e4c58 @args=[], @cmd="files", @quoted=false>
> files.class
> ls.map.class