hayes / pothos

Pothos GraphQL is library for creating GraphQL schemas in typescript using a strongly typed code first approach
ISC License
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Roadmap #665

Open emroot opened 2 years ago

emroot commented 2 years ago

hey @hayes,

Just making the move away from nexus and what you’ve been building is great, love everything I’m seeing so far. I’m curious if you have some sort of roadmap somewhere on what you wanna tackle next (maybe a notion doc that you could share?). I’m just curious to see what’s coming up next, and if there are things that the community could contribute to.


emroot commented 2 years ago

Just looked here but looks like last update was on Jan 26.

hayes commented 2 years ago

there is this issues tracking some breaking changes I want to add https://github.com/hayes/pothos/issues/279

But not much of an overall roadmap.

Some of the bigger things I've been thinking about:

Unfortunately I don't have much written about any of these ideas, and haven't put a lot of effort into making it easy to contribute to Pothos.

I've tried to add a label for issues that might be good first issues: https://github.com/hayes/pothos/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22 ~but there is only 1 issue in there currently that isn't just a documentation issue~ added a few more issues with that label

Definitely interested in getting more people contributing though

LawJolla commented 2 years ago

Just want to echo @emroot 's appreciation and thanks. I'm also starting to migrate a large monorepo from Nexus. (For anyone curious, I'm having good luck with @graphql-tools/schema merging nexus and pothos schemas to incrementally transition)

Prisma input types would be an incredible addition. Thanks for all of the hard work!

hayes commented 2 years ago

thanks! if you are interested in prisma input types, check out https://github.com/hayes/pothos/discussions/544 and let me know what kinds of use cases you would want to have supported there

RIP21 commented 1 year ago

@LawJolla just be careful with it as last time (around August 2022 I guess) I used it for schema stitching, unfortunately, it was hiding/swallowing the position of the errors, and overall, all errors were GraphQLError despite new MyCustomError being thrown from the resolver so error instanceof GraphQLError was always true in my useErrorHandler in my Yoga server. If non-stitched schema is passed to Yoga (either originated from Pothos builder or old apollo server like schema) everything worked as expected, if stitched - lots of error info was getting lost. Unsure if it was fixed since then.