haystack / murmur

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various improvements from testing #207

Closed kmahar closed 7 years ago

kmahar commented 7 years ago

Ok so as we discussed last meeting, needed a way to differentiate moderated messages using gmail filters. I first implemented this as the [sender gmail]+[secret hash]@gmail thing, but for whatever reason, the mail relay was stripping out the secret hashes on outgoing messages - i.e. on our end it was sent to "xxxx+hash@gmail", but by the time it got to gmail the "to" field was simply "xxxx@gmail". I spent a long time trying to fix it and couldn't figure it out so I gave up.

so I ended up switching to the other solution we'd talked about with setting the list-id of the message to be hash@squadbox. these do not get stripped out, and I think this is actually better because (unlike when the hash is in the "to' field) the hash is not carried through in forwarded messages. (and it isn't in replies, either.)

what I have changed in this PR is: