hayyaoe / zenities

A Hyprland custom configuration
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eww bar setup (newbie) #5

Open wirydotrocks opened 1 day ago

wirydotrocks commented 1 day ago

Hello! I was browsing YouTube two weeks ago and decided to install Arch (and Linux in general) for the first time because of your rice!

I wanted to install the eww bar onto my desktop and tweak around with it but I have no idea where to start. I installed eww, and imported your dotfiles for eww into my .config but all it looks like is this white bar with the widgets not fully loading in properly. I'd like to assume it is white because of pywal and my wallpaper, but I'm not so sure.


I've tried to run the install script but it messed with some stuff such as my Internet (which I assume because I am on Ethernet) and kitty which I've since uninstalled.

Thank you for being my gateway into Linux! (Also excuse my poor formatting for git, this is also a first for me as well)

hayyaoe commented 23 hours ago

welcome to the linux club, that color problem is caused by pywal, you have to install pywall and load wallpapers with it so pywal generates the color palette in the cache directory. im not really sure about the internet yet but ill try to debug it this week, and do you use the install script or do you just copy the config file, because the bar has some dependencies for it to work properly, also are you using hyprland?

wirydotrocks commented 22 hours ago

Ive installed pywal and generated it for a bunch of stuff actually, do I need to make a pywal config specifically for eww?

I should have clarified, I ran UNINSTALL.SH, and got rid of the stuff the install script added, and I still use kitty.

At the current moment, I just copied the files to my .config and thats all I did so far

I am also on hyprland!

hayyaoe commented 20 hours ago

you don't have to make a pywal config for the eww.

may i know before you install this configuration for the first time, have you change any of your .config or not?

is it a freshly installed arch hyprland or not?

I just tried to use the unistall script then install it again and had some issues with the stow, but now it works fine by using the install script again.

wirydotrocks commented 20 hours ago

I wouldn't consider this freshly installed as I've been personalizing it little by little starting from two weeks ago.

i forgot to mention that i did change my config files, ive done some work for my hyprland conf, kitty, pywal, vim ect

hayyaoe commented 20 hours ago

I see, the thing with the install script is, i have not test it with a not freshly installed arch hyprland system, its probably because i did not create a backup for some of the configuration on install so the stow errors.

your problem is probably caused by some missing dependencies.

here is the dependency for the eww if you only want to install the eww bar only by copying the config.

also if it still does not work, can you send the eww logs and see what is the problem?

wirydotrocks commented 20 hours ago


I should mention i did try to look into the eww logs and see whats going on but i literally had no idea what i was looking at, so thats when I decided to make a git account

Ill let you know what happens! (and thank you)

hayyaoe commented 20 hours ago

you're welcome, I'll be waiting for the logs :)

wirydotrocks commented 19 hours ago

Hello! im back, i got something regarding battery & music in my logs, I am also on a desktop so thats probably part of the problem here

I should also mention that the battery issue repeats itself multiple times in the log, whereas the music issue does not.

93 │                   :reveal music-control
   │                           ───────────── `true.false{` is not of type `bool`
   → provided string was not `true` or `false`

/bin/sh: line 2: font-size:: command not found
/bin/sh: -c: line 3: syntax error near unexpected token `}'
/bin/sh: -c: line 3: `}'
warning: The script for the `current-battery`-variable exited unsuccessfully
   ┌─ bar/eww.yuck:42:29
42 │                             "~/.config/eww/bar/scripts/get-battery.sh")
   │                             ────────────────────────────────────────── Defined here
   → Failed with output:
     cat: /sys/class/power_supply//capacity: No such file or directory

also eww looks like this now, and right under is your waybar config: 1291279000815140864remix-1727935330312 (Crossed out my home network just in case)

I had some issue installing ttf-mononoki through the aur (target not found) but I have installed it manually by placing it in /usr/local/share/fonts, but the other font seemed like it installed using the aur just fine

And I also did not fill in the missing characters for the waybar (if i should even be doing that)

Update: i cant repeat the music-control portion of the log to show up again

hayyaoe commented 18 hours ago

do you use pc or laptop?

if you use laptop the battery should be fine but if you use pc the error will be there but it shouldn't affect the bar,

for the error with the music control i just fixed it and merged it on main branch, you can check it out on the ./config/eww/bar/eww.yuck.

for the mononoki font you can use the script yay -S ttf-mononoki

also can you give the path of the pywal generated colors? mine is at ~/.cache/wal/colors.scss

note: after you use the wal -i "path" the pywal generates the color in the directory mine at .cache/wal you have to reopen your eww bar by killing it first, using killall eww then eww open bar.

wirydotrocks commented 8 hours ago

I am on a pc, and i installed ttf-mononoki successfully, and I've also updated my eww.yuck

After taking a look around pywal, I don not have a file at ~/.cache/wal/colors.scss, and I also dont have a template for colors.scss inside of ~/.config/wal/templates

Is there a template I am missing from pywal or should i write one? (i would have tried writing one out but I do not want to mess anything up)