hazelgrove / hazel

Hazel, a live functional programming environment with typed holes
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ADTs with hole type consistency have casting bug #1311

Open gensofubi opened 1 month ago

gensofubi commented 1 month ago
601521e61192a0b8ae8a22ad3219bcab 67113d16c739bb9f9c84cbfb6a887b06

I expect both examples to work alright but one gives exceptions and the other is stucked.

Negabinary commented 1 month ago

I just now pushed a quick fix to get this example working on that branch (https://[hazel](https://hazel.org/build/remove-dhexp/).org/build/remove-dhexp/).

I've changed a lot of how elaboration and pattern matching work on the #1197 branch. I think if we want to fix it on dev, it'll be somewhere in the matches cast sum function in PatternMatch.re. Hopefully #1197 will get merged soon though, so we may not need to do it on dev?