hazemabdelkawy / SunnahGPT

SunnahGPT is a natural language processing (NLP) project aimed at scraping hadith data from the popular website sunnah.com and applying OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model to generate textual embeddings for each hadith
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Alhumdulillah #3

Open asim opened 1 year ago

asim commented 1 year ago

May Allah bless you for your efforts and help us all be guided to the straight path 🙏

mrgithub commented 1 year ago

Marshalla. Amazing effort. Is there a way to train it with all the Hadith too?

ehteshaxm commented 12 months ago

Allahumma Barik - Does the collected data for Bukhari contains all the hadiths?

hazemabdelkawy commented 12 months ago

@ehteshaxm yes, it includes all the hadith

ehteshaxm commented 12 months ago

all 7563 hadiths right? and the embedding model is ada-002 by openai?

mmurat234 commented 9 months ago

tebrik ederim