hazre / VRCFTReceiver

A Mod that Let's you use VRCFaceTracking in Resonite
MIT No Attribution
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(Feat) Add Module archive #7

Open dfgHiatus opened 1 month ago

dfgHiatus commented 1 month ago

As VRCFT receives updates, module developers have had to update their modules accordingly. As this mod requires an older version of VRCFT to work, modules from the module registry have slowly but surely become unusable for users of this mod.

A workaround for this issue would be to archive older versions of the modules here and contain instructions on how to set the mod up with them. I am writing on behalf of a user who would like to use the Open XR module with their Quest Pro.

hazre commented 1 week ago

Ideally, I would like to support latest VRCFT version to avoid this altogether. With #6 I've added OSCQuery support, so latest VRCFT works now but for some reason I'm running into updating rate issues, which I can't pinpoint why it's happening.. So kinda stuck :/