haztro / godot-gaussian-splatting

MIT License
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webgl compatible version #4

Open rhohndorf opened 3 weeks ago

rhohndorf commented 3 weeks ago

Do you still have a working opengl version ? As I want to use this in a WebXR experience Vulkan is no good at the moment. Btw the prev issue I had was that forward+ renderer didn't use the GPU. Oops

haztro commented 2 weeks ago

I don't unfortunately. You can specify Godot to use the opengl backend by selecting compatibility mode but it doesn't seem you can use it with low-level glsl shaders - if you try and create a rendering device it'll just return null:


I found a post with a reply from one of godot devs. Unfortunately, I'm not sure it's possible with OpenGL (in godot), at least not with my current approach.