hazzik / DelegateDecompiler

A library which is able to decompile a delegate or a method body to its lambda representation
MIT License
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Fix issue with unbound Parameters #192

Closed magicmoux closed 1 year ago

magicmoux commented 1 year ago

@hazzik Alex,

PR #190 seems to solve nicely the changes I proposed in Processor.cs from #185

The implementation however raises a runtime issue when executing the query against a provider (unit test is /src/DelegateDecompiler.EntityFramework.Tests/TestGroup90AdditionalFeatures/Test01Issue152.cs).

The problem seems to be caused by the invocation of the compiled expression (OptimizeExpressionVisitor.cs#L455) In the output Quoted lambda, ParameterExpressions instances in the body are not references to the Quoted Lambda corresponding Parameter.

hazzik commented 1 year ago

😭 it is either develop or your change...

hazzik commented 1 year ago

This has been released in 0.31.0. Please consider ❤️ supporting the project.