hbb1 / 2d-gaussian-splatting

[SIGGRAPH'24] 2D Gaussian Splatting for Geometrically Accurate Radiance Fields
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Extract Mesh Problem #19

Open johnren-code opened 3 weeks ago

johnren-code commented 3 weeks ago

Loading trained model at iteration 30000 Reading camera 240/240 Loading Training Cameras Loading Test Cameras export training images ... reconstruct radiance fields: 240it [00:03, 64.30it/s] export images: 240it [02:02, 1.97it/s] export mesh ... reconstruct radiance fields: 240it [00:02, 82.01it/s] Running tsdf volume integration ... voxel_size: 0.004 sdf_trunc: 0.02 depth_truc: 3.0 TSDF integration progress: 240it [00:01, 159.15it/s] [Open3D WARNING] Write PLY failed: mesh has 0 vertices. mesh saved at /root/autodl-tmp/project/2d-gaussian-splatting/output/127876ac-b/train/ours_30000/fuse.ply post processing the mesh to have 1000 clusterscluster_to_kep [Open3D DEBUG] [ClusterConnectedTriangles] Compute triangle adjacency [Open3D DEBUG] [ClusterConnectedTriangles] Done computing triangle adjacency [Open3D DEBUG] [ClusterConnectedTriangles] Done clustering, #clusters=0 Traceback (most recent call last): File "render.py", line 102, in mesh_post = post_process_mesh(mesh, cluster_to_keep=args.num_cluster) File "/root/autodl-tmp/project/2d-gaussian-splatting/utils/mesh_utils.py", line 35, in post_process_mesh n_cluster = np.sort(cluster_n_triangles.copy())[-cluster_to_keep] IndexError: index -1000 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0.

I train and render with my own dataset. What is the possible problem?

hbb1 commented 3 weeks ago

Related to #14

johnren-code commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for your advice! I have adjusted the depth_trunc accroding to the scene. The [Open3D WARNING] Write PLY failed: mesh has 0 vertices is missed. But the error still occurs:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "render.py", line 102, in mesh_post = post_process_mesh(mesh, cluster_to_keep=args.num_cluster) File "/root/autodl-tmp/project/2d-gaussian-splatting/utils/mesh_utils.py", line 35, in post_process_mesh n_cluster = np.sort(cluster_n_triangles.copy())[-cluster_to_keep] IndexError: index -1000 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 325

johnren-code commented 3 weeks ago

post processing the mesh to have 1000 clusterscluster_to_kep [Open3D DEBUG] [ClusterConnectedTriangles] Compute triangle adjacency [Open3D DEBUG] [ClusterConnectedTriangles] Done computing triangle adjacency [Open3D DEBUG] [ClusterConnectedTriangles] Done clustering, #clusters=325 Traceback (most recent call last): File "render.py", line 102, in mesh_post = post_process_mesh(mesh, cluster_to_keep=args.num_cluster) File "/root/autodl-tmp/project/2d-gaussian-splatting/utils/mesh_utils.py", line 35, in post_process_mesh n_cluster = np.sort(cluster_n_triangles.copy())[-cluster_to_keep] IndexError: index -1000 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 325

johnren-code commented 3 weeks ago

Should I adjust the value of n_cluster?

hbb1 commented 3 weeks ago

Not related to the post-processing step.

The [Open3D WARNING] Write PLY failed: mesh has 0 vertices is missed.

It suggests that you don't effective adjust the depth_trunc and the mesh still has 0 vertices. You may estimate the depth range according to the values of the depth-map or according to the the camera extent.