T = torch.cat([torch.ones_like(alpha[:,:1]), 1-alpha[:,-1:]], dim=1).cumprod(dim=1)
T = torch.cat([torch.ones_like(alpha[:,:1]), 1-alpha[:,:-1]], dim=1).cumprod(dim=1)
Basically, just changing the indexing on the second alpha from [:,-1:] to [:, :-1].
Not sure if this is something just on my machine - but this got rid of a mismatched shape error on the next line. I also think the version I proposed matches the original implementation.
This is a great project, really makes prototyping features in splatting much easier!
I found that in order for the project to run, I had to change this line: https://github.com/hbb1/torch-splatting/blob/85c362152883cda066d6a1cc949c2bab7e2cc1c7/gaussian_splatting/gauss_render.py#L209C1-L210C1
Basically, just changing the indexing on the second alpha from [:,-1:] to [:, :-1].
Not sure if this is something just on my machine - but this got rid of a mismatched shape error on the next line. I also think the version I proposed matches the original implementation.