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Bug Fixes #37

Closed Gammerdinger closed 10 months ago

Gammerdinger commented 1 year ago

1) Add apeglm install from Biocmanager to instructions

2) Ensembldb has a filter function now that can overwrite dplyr, so be sure to put dplyr:: in front of filter commands like on the "Summarizing results and extracting significant gene lists" page: Change:

sigOE <- res_tableOE_tb %>%
        filter(padj < padj.cutoff)


sigOE <- res_tableOE_tb %>%
        dplyr::filter(padj < padj.cutoff)

And on Visualization Change:

norm_OEsig <- normalized_counts[,c(1:4,7:9)] %>% 
  filter(gene %in% sigOE$gene) 


norm_OEsig <- normalized_counts[,c(1:4,7:9)] %>% 
  dplyr::filter(gene %in% sigOE$gene) 
Gammerdinger commented 1 year ago

Also axes swap on time course lesson in text.