I'm working to track a bug in parse-server. When running on test, I found stack :
Suite error: Parse.User testing
TypeError: Cannot read property 'match' of null
at <Jasmine>
at /Users/Maulana/.vscode/extensions/hbenl.vscode-jasmine-test-adapter-1.8.0/out/worker/runTestsReporter.js:28:31
at <Jasmine>
at RunTestsReporter.specDone (/Users/Maulana/.vscode/extensions/hbenl.vscode-jasmine-test-adapter-1.8.0/out/worker/runTestsReporter.js:26:54)
at <Jasmine>
Ran 1 of 2955 specs
1 spec, 2 failures
Finished in 2.028 seconds
Within runTestsReporter.js:28:31 :
if (stack.match(/\s+at/)) {
a simple fix by adding a validation if stack != null :
I'm working to track a bug in parse-server. When running on test, I found stack :
:a simple fix by adding a validation if
stack != null