hbertiche / NeuralClothSim

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difference or improvement between your work and SNUG #6

Closed wtupdl closed 1 year ago

wtupdl commented 1 year ago

Hello, I want to know the main difference or improvement between your work and SNUG

hbertiche commented 1 year ago

SNUG builds upon PBNS by adding a new inertia loss term and changing fully connected layers with GRU layers, on the other hand, in this new work, Neural Cloth Simulation, I revisit every aspect of PBNS, the input descriptors, the network architecture, the training scheme, temporal behaviour, and more

the main significant differences are with respect to dynamics, I include an in-depth comparison with SNUG in Sec.4.5 of my paper, in summary, while SNUG is a nice work, unfortunately, it is unable to learn proper cloth dynamics

wtupdl commented 1 year ago

ok,thank you