hbldh / bleak

A cross platform Bluetooth Low Energy Client for Python using asyncio
MIT License
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Issue when using bleak on linux when everything worked well on windows #929

Closed aefrtyi closed 1 year ago

aefrtyi commented 1 year ago


I have a ble peripheral device that has a custom scan response data in EIR 0x42. I previously used bluepy on linux to scan and communicate with it, but I wanted to be able to use my code on both windows and linux, so I switch to bleak.

I managed to scan my device with the expected data on windows and communicate with it successfully, however, when I try to do so on linux, BleakClient.get_services() returns an empty dict, and I am unable to find the adv data I'm looking for.

What I Did


import asyncio
import json
import platform
import struct
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple

from bleak import BleakScanner
from bleak.backends.device import BLEDevice
from bleak.backends.scanner import AdvertisementData

CURRENT_SYSTEM: str = platform.system()

def __format_adv_data(device: BLEDevice) -> Dict[bytes, bytes]:
        adv_data: dict = dict()
        if CURRENT_SYSTEM == "Windows":
            for detail in device.details:
                # device possess advertising details that are enumerable. In some cases, some of those details may be empty
                if detail is not None:
                    # if detail is not empty, then get the adv data from the details obtained
                    for data in detail.advertisement.data_sections:
                        unpacked_adv_data = [dt[0] for dt in struct.iter_unpack('<B', data.data)]
                        # Convert adv data to match correct format to use later on
                        bytes_adv_data = b"".join([(dt.to_bytes(1, "big")) for dt in unpacked_adv_data])
                        data_type = int(data.data_type).to_bytes(1, 'big')
                        adv_data[data_type] = bytes_adv_data
        elif CURRENT_SYSTEM == "Linux":
            detail = device.details.get('props')
            print(f"details {device.details} | type {type(device.details)}")
                # print(json.loads(detail).get('props'))
        return adv_data

def detection_callback(device: BLEDevice, adv_data: AdvertisementData):
    if device.address.lower() == '53:4e:48:00:00:07':
        if CURRENT_SYSTEM == "Windows":
            _, raw_adv_data = adv_data.platform_data
            new_adv_data, scan_data = raw_adv_data
            if new_adv_data is not None and scan_data is not None:
                formated_adv_data = dict()
                # if detail is not empty, then get the adv data from the details obtained
                for data in new_adv_data.advertisement.data_sections:
                    unpacked_adv_data = [dt[0] for dt in struct.iter_unpack('<B', data.data)]
                    # Convert adv data to match correct format to use later on
                    bytes_adv_data = b"".join([(dt.to_bytes(1, "big")) for dt in unpacked_adv_data])
                    data_type = int(data.data_type).to_bytes(1, 'big')
                    formated_adv_data[data_type] = bytes_adv_data
                for data in scan_data.advertisement.data_sections:
                    unpacked_adv_data = [dt[0] for dt in struct.iter_unpack('<B', data.data)]
                    # Convert adv data to match correct format to use later on
                    bytes_adv_data = b"".join([(dt.to_bytes(1, "big")) for dt in unpacked_adv_data])
                    data_type = int(data.data_type).to_bytes(1, 'big')
                    formated_adv_data[data_type] = bytes_adv_data
        elif CURRENT_SYSTEM == "Linux":
            print(f"local_name: {adv_data.local_name}")
            print(f"manufacturer_data: {adv_data.manufacturer_data}")
            print(f"service_data: {adv_data.service_data}")
            print(f"platform_data: {adv_data.platform_data}")
            for key, value in adv_data.platform_data.items():
                print(f"{key}: {value} | {type(value)}")

async def main():
    timeout: int = 5
    scanner: BleakScanner = BleakScanner()
    await scanner.start()
    await asyncio.sleep(timeout)
    await scanner.stop()
    # print('-----------------------------------')
    # for device in scanner.discovered_devices:
    #     if device.address.lower().startswith('53:4e:48:'):
    #         for detail in device.details:
    #             print(type(detail))

    devices: List[BLEDevice] = await scanner.discover(timeout)
    formated_devices: List[Tuple[str, dict[bytes, bytes]]] = list()
    for device in devices:
        if device.address.lower() == "53:4e:48:00:00:07":
            adv_data: dict[bytes, bytes] = __format_adv_data(device)
            formated_devices.append((device.address.lower(), adv_data))
    # print(f"devices scanned: {devices}")
    print(f'res: {formated_devices}')

if __name__ == '__main__':

which gives me the following result on linux:

root@iot-gate-imx8:/home/compulab/code/GatewaySmartphone# pipenv run python main.py
local_name: None
manufacturer_data: {}
service_data: {}
platform_data: {'Address': '53:4E:48:00:00:07', 'AddressType': 'random', 'Alias': '53-4E-48-00-00-07', 'Paired': False, 'Trusted': False, 'Blocked': False, 'LegacyPairing': False, 'RSSI': -34, 'Connected': False, 'UUIDs': [], 'Adapter': '/org/bluez/hci0', 'ServicesResolved': False}
Address: 53:4E:48:00:00:07 | <class 'str'>
AddressType: random | <class 'str'>
Alias: 53-4E-48-00-00-07 | <class 'str'>
Paired: False | <class 'bool'>
Trusted: False | <class 'bool'>
Blocked: False | <class 'bool'>
LegacyPairing: False | <class 'bool'>
RSSI: -34 | <class 'int'>
Connected: False | <class 'bool'>
UUIDs: [] | <class 'list'>
Adapter: /org/bluez/hci0 | <class 'str'>
ServicesResolved: False | <class 'bool'>
details {'path': '/org/bluez/hci0/dev_53_4E_48_00_00_07', 'props': {'Address': '53:4E:48:00:00:07', 'AddressType': 'random', 'Alias': '53-4E-48-00-00-07', 'Paired': False, 'Trusted': False, 'Blocked': False, 'LegacyPairing': False, 'Connected': False, 'UUIDs': [], 'Adapter': '/org/bluez/hci0', 'ServicesResolved': False, 'RSSI': -32}} | type <class 'dict'>
res: [('53:4e:48:00:00:07', {})]

Communication on windows:

import asyncio
import time
from enum import Enum
from typing import List
from uuid import UUID

from bleak import BleakClient, BleakScanner
from bleak.backends.characteristic import BleakGATTCharacteristic
from bleak.backends.device import BLEDevice
from bleak.backends.scanner import AdvertisementData
from bleak.backends.service import BleakGATTService, BleakGATTServiceCollection

def __extract_itp_header(msg):
    desc_id = msg[0]
    header = {"desc_id": desc_id}
    if desc_id == 0:
        instr = msg[1:]
    elif desc_id == 1:
        header["nb_frames"] = int.from_bytes(msg[1:3], "little")
        crc_tmp = msg[3:7]
        # print(f'crc obtained from implant: {crc_tmp.hex()}')
        header["crc"] = crc_tmp[::-1]
        header["offset"] = int.from_bytes(msg[7:11], "little")
        header["offset_start"] = int.from_bytes(msg[11:15], "little")
        instr = msg[15:]
        instr = msg
    return header, instr

##  Enumerate of service and characteristics uuids in the implant GATT server
class UUIDs(Enum):
    # App med
    service_uuid = "6d79686561727473656e74696e656c20"
    req_uuid = "6d79686561727473656e74696e656c21"
    res_uuid = "6d79686561727473656e74696e656c22"
    data_ctrl_uuid = "6d79686561727473656e74696e656c23"
    data_uuid = "6d79686561727473656e74696e656c24"

class Chara():
    def __init__(self, bleak_chara: BleakGATTCharacteristic, bleak_client: BleakClient) -> None:
        self.chara: BleakGATTCharacteristic = bleak_chara
        self.client: BleakClient = bleak_client
        self.notifs: List[bytearray] = list()

    async def read(self) -> bytearray:
        value = await self.client.read_gatt_char(char_specifier=self.chara)
        return value

    async def write(self, value: bytes, with_response: bool = True) -> None:
        await self.client.write_gatt_char(char_specifier=self.chara, data=value, response=with_response)

    async def subscribe(self) -> None:
        await self.client.start_notify(char_specifier=self.chara, callback=self.__notification_handler)

    async def unsubscribe(self) -> None:
        await self.client.stop_notify(char_specifier=self.chara)

    async def wait_notification(self, timeout: int) -> bytes:
        response = None
        # Wait for a notification until there is a response in the list of notification of the characteristic
        start_time: float = time.time()
        while len(self.notifs) == 0:
            if (time.time() - start_time >= timeout):
            await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
        # the response is the oldest notification for the current characteristic obtained
        if len(self.notifs) == 0:
            raise TimeoutError
        response = self.notifs.pop(0)
        return response

    def __notification_handler(self, sender: int, data: bytearray) -> None:
        print(f"Notification received: {data}")

async def main() -> None:
    instruction: bytes = bytes.fromhex('fefe797d8800e2d2a6a5f74c45df0523a23f51d38308a997df6a8a58646fd3b6be5a')
    mac_address: str = "53:4e:48:00:00:07"

    # Connect to device
    bleak_client: BleakClient = BleakClient(mac_address)
    await bleak_client.connect()
    print('Connected to bleak client')

    # Get services and characteristics
    services: BleakGATTServiceCollection = await bleak_client.get_services()
    service: BleakGATTService = services.get_service(UUID(hex=UUIDs.service_uuid.value))
    if service is None:
        print('Service not found')
    req_chara: Chara = Chara(service.get_characteristic(UUID(hex=UUIDs.req_uuid.value)), bleak_client)
    res_chara: Chara = Chara(service.get_characteristic(UUID(hex=UUIDs.res_uuid.value)), bleak_client)
    data_ctrl_chara: Chara = Chara(service.get_characteristic(UUID(hex=UUIDs.data_ctrl_uuid.value)), bleak_client)
    data_chara: Chara = Chara(service.get_characteristic(UUID(hex=UUIDs.data_uuid.value)), bleak_client)
    print('Service and characteristics discovered')

    # Send instruction
    await res_chara.subscribe()
    print('Started notification for response characteristic')
    await data_chara.subscribe()
    print('Started notification for data characteristic')
    await req_chara.write(instruction)
    print(f'Wrote {instruction.hex()} to request characteristic')
    print('Wait for response characteristic to get implant response')
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    res = await res_chara.wait_notification(20)
    print(f"Full res of instruction: {res.hex()}")
    header, instruction_res = __extract_itp_header(res)
    print(f"Header res of instruction: {header}")
    print(f"Res of instruction: {instruction_res.hex()}")
    print(f'response: {instruction_res.decode("utf-8")}')
    await res_chara.unsubscribe()
    print('Stopped notification for response characteristic')
    await data_chara.unsubscribe()
    print('Stopped notification for data characteristic')
    await bleak_client.disconnect()
    print('Disconnected from bleak client')

if __name__ == '__main__':

As for the discovery of services, using the example get_services(), just changing the mac address, I obtain the following:

root@iot-gate-imx8:/home/compulab/code/GatewaySmartphone# pipenv run python get_services.py

I did find when reading the bluetooth service logs

Aug 09 07:53:36 iot-gate-imx8 bluetoothd[505]: src/device.c:load_gatt_db() No cache for 53:4E:48:00:00:07

but I'm unsure if it's the related to my issue.

I'm also attaching the bleak logs I got during scan and get_services() as well as the bluetooth trafic captured with tshark in case it could help. bleak_log_comm.log wireshark_scan.log wireshark_comm.log bleak_log_scan.log

dlech commented 1 year ago

From the logs, we can see that BlueZ does not add D-Bus objects for the services and characteristics. BlueZ hides certain services, so it could be possible that the device doesn't have any services that are not hidden. Or there could be issues with the BlueZ cache which can be fixed by removing the device from BlueZ and manually deleting a cache file (see troubleshooting section of the docs).

aefrtyi commented 1 year ago

I've checked but as far as I know, my device does not have hidden services or characteristics. I followed the troubleshooting section to clear the cache, but it seems my device is not in cache at all:

[bluetooth]# remove 53:4E:48:00:00:07
Device 53:4E:48:00:00:07 not available
root@iot-gate-imx8:/var/lib/bluetooth/14:F6:D8:45:10:04/cache# ls
00:21:AD:13:13:20  90:78:B2:A8:BB:4E  90:FD:9F:A7:EE:EF  D8:4D:72:F9:22:2D  ED:7B:67:62:26:66
38:18:4C:BF:37:05  90:FD:9F:A7:ED:39  CC:98:8B:E0:6A:3A  E4:B3:66:BE:30:94  F0:2E:89:CE:50:4E
dlech commented 1 year ago

The next thing I would try is logging bluetooth packets using wireshark on Linux to see what is going on there and compare it to the same on windows.

aefrtyi commented 1 year ago

I do not have a GUI on the linux device I used, so I used tshark instead of wireshark. I already attached the results in my first post. Bellow are the results I got on windows using the same scripts. wireshark_comm_windows.log wireshark_scan_windows.log

dlech commented 1 year ago

The linux "wireshark" logs don't include the actual packet data, so are not as useful as they could be. The windows logs seem to contain TCP data, not bluetooth.

aefrtyi commented 1 year ago

I'll see if I can get the packet data. For windows, I tried all interfaces shown by wireshark and I used the only one that had data when I ran my scripts. The only other interface that had data was the wifi one

dlech commented 1 year ago

There is a special external program from Microsoft required on Windows. See the Bleak troubleshooting docs for details.

aefrtyi commented 1 year ago

My bad, completely missed this part. Here are the files with packet data tshark_comm_linux.log wireshark_scan_windows.log wireshark_comm_windows.log tshark_scan_linux.log .

dlech commented 1 year ago

Thanks. From the tshark_comm_linux.log:


BlueZ requests an MTU of 512, but the device replies that it wants to use 517. So BlueZ agrees and asks if the device wants to use 517, but then the device says that is invalid. BlueZ then disconnects. So the problem appears to be with the device.

On Windows, we can see the MTU exchange was successful.
