hbons / SparkleShare

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stops when uploading large folder #106

Closed lgordon closed 13 years ago

lgordon commented 13 years ago

I dropped a 300mb folder into the shared folder to see if it would work and it did for a bit

did this a few times for various files [21:01:24][Local][lyle] Changes found, checking if settled. [21:01:24][Event][lyle] Created '/home/lyle/SparkleShare/lyle/Qualifier/previously written/mrs abstract edited.docx'

then did this a bunch of times

[21:01:41][Cmd] /usr/bin/git status --porcelain [21:01:41][Git][lyle] Staging changes... [21:01:41][Cmd] /usr/bin/git add --all [21:01:41][Git][lyle] Changes staged. [21:01:41][Cmd] /usr/bin/git status --porcelain

and then just stopped (holding at about 20-25% CPU usage). I let it run for 15 minutes but never changed. I'm sure if it ever would have finished, didn't seem to be using the network at all.

stopped on this line:

[21:01:41][Cmd] /usr/bin/git status --porcelain

I quit sparkleshare and got this in the terminal

ObjectDirectory has not been properly disposed {/home/lyle/SparkleShare/test/.git/objects} ObjectDirectory has not been properly disposed. Repository has not been properly disposed: /home/lyle/SparkleShare/alex/.git PackFile has not been properly disposed: {/home/lyle/SparkleShare/alex/.git/objects/pack/pack-251a1b93f2be640c57812a63b1b51b21fec8a692.pack}/{/home/lyle/SparkleShare/alex/.git/objects/pack/pack-251a1b93f2be640c57812a63b1b51b21fec8a692.idx}

lgordon commented 13 years ago

I just build the latest code on OS X and dropped a 450mb folder into a shared folder and it worked!

Still doesn't work on my ubuntu machine.

hbons commented 13 years ago

what's the output of 'git status' on the repo?

lgordon commented 13 years ago

# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

here is the output of the log:

[11:51:13][Event][test] Changed '/home/lyle/SparkleShare/test/usb stick/tem/STEM/Sept3009/fiber bundle.dm3'
[11:51:13][Local][test] Changes found, checking if settled.
[11:51:13][Event][test] Changed '/home/lyle/SparkleShare/test/usb stick/tem/STEM/spectra across fiber/EELS spectrum 9.msa'
[11:51:13][Local][test] Changes found, checking if settled.
[11:51:13][Event][test] Created 'usb stick/tem/STEM/oct 5/wheee.dm3'
[11:51:13][Local][test] Changes found, checking if settled.
[11:51:30][Git][test] Changes staged.
[11:51:30][Cmd] /usr/bin/git status --porcelain
[11:51:30][Commit][test] + ‘usb stick/EA20091110.LOG’ + 154 (4c260770f05e5905784fd5aabe873e630c9ecd3b
[11:51:30][Git][test] Collecting garbage...
[11:51:30][Cmd] /usr/bin/git gc
Counting objects: 178, done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (175/175), done.
Writing objects: 100% (178/178), done.
Total 178 (delta 42), reused 3 (delta 0)
[11:53:08][Git][test] Garbage collected..
[11:53:08][Git][test] Pushing changes...
[11:53:08][Cmd] /usr/bin/git push origin master
Counting objects: 176, done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (132/132), done.
Writing objects: 100% (175/175), 216.91 MiB | 2.37 MiB/s, done.
Total 175 (delta 42), reused 175 (delta 42)
To ssh://
   5988830..4c26077  master -> master
[11:54:37][Git][test] Changes pushed.
[11:54:37][Cmd] /usr/bin/git status --porcelain
[11:54:37][Local][test] Changes have settled.
[11:54:37][Cmd] /usr/bin/git status --porcelain
lgordon commented 13 years ago

closing sparkleshare gave this:

PackFile has not been properly disposed: {/home/lyle/SparkleShare/lyle/.git/objects/pack/pack-a5ef70739aa76e716ef7b175f6a20b869c3c2f95.pack}/{/home/lyle/SparkleShare/lyle/.git/objects/pack/pack-a5ef70739aa76e716ef7b175f6a20b869c3c2f95.idx}
Repository has not been properly disposed: /home/lyle/SparkleShare/testing/.git
ObjectDirectory has not been properly disposed {/home/lyle/SparkleShare/test/.git/objects}
ObjectDirectory has not been properly disposed.
ObjectDirectory has not been properly disposed {/home/lyle/SparkleShare/sparkle/.git/objects}
ObjectDirectory has not been properly disposed.
ObjectDirectory has not been properly disposed {/home/lyle/SparkleShare/testing/.git/objects}
ObjectDirectory has not been properly disposed.
ObjectDirectory has not been properly disposed {/home/lyle/SparkleShare/lyle/.git/objects}
ObjectDirectory has not been properly disposed.
ObjectDirectory has not been properly disposed {/home/lyle/SparkleShare/alex/.git/objects}
ObjectDirectory has not been properly disposed.
PackFile has not been properly disposed: {/home/lyle/SparkleShare/alex/.git/objects/pack/pack-251a1b93f2be640c57812a63b1b51b21fec8a692.pack}/{/home/lyle/SparkleShare/alex/.git/objects/pack/pack-251a1b93f2be640c57812a63b1b51b21fec8a692.idx}

hbons commented 13 years ago

The quit messages are irrelevant.

hbons commented 13 years ago

Does this still happen with latest git?

lgordon commented 13 years ago

it worked!

copied a a ~1gb folder with multiple compress/uncompressed files from Ubuntu (latest git built from source) to my solaris server (git

everything worked, copied at about 5MB/second overall.

hbons commented 13 years ago

Ok, closing for now. Feel free to reopen if it goes wrong again.