hbons / SparkleShare

Share and collaborate by syncing with any Git repository instantly. Linux, macOS, and Windows.
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ArgumentOutOfRangeException in Sparkles.Git.GitRepository.GetChangeSetsInternal #1811

Closed kevincox closed 6 years ago

kevincox commented 6 years ago

Sparkleshare crashes immediately after startup.

Oops! SparkleShare has crashed... :(

If you want to help fix this crash, please report it at and include the lines below.

Remove any sensitive information like file names, IP addresses, domain names, etc. if needed.

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: startIndex cannot be larger than length of string.
Parameter name: startIndex
  at System.String.Substring (System.Int32 startIndex, System.Int32 length) [0x00031] in <a84b655e5e6a49ee96b338ec792f5580>:0 
  at System.String.Substring (System.Int32 startIndex) [0x00008] in <a84b655e5e6a49ee96b338ec792f5580>:0 
  at Sparkles.Git.GitRepository.GetChangeSetsInternal (System.String path) [0x0042a] in <0468e7dae8074b43a6922b63c39f309b>:0 
  at Sparkles.Git.GitRepository.GetChangeSets () [0x00001] in <0468e7dae8074b43a6922b63c39f309b>:0 
  at Sparkles.BaseRepository.Initialize () [0x00001] in <4da9387f3dc44085b7c12f1203c5d33f>:0 
  at SparkleShare.BaseController.AddRepository (System.String folder_path) [0x0014b] in <3cfa78c34d9a461ab6351627e2f7d8a1>:0 
  at SparkleShare.BaseController.RemoveDeletedRepositories () [0x00073] in <3cfa78c34d9a461ab6351627e2f7d8a1>:0 
  at SparkleShare.BaseController.CheckRepositories () [0x00019] in <3cfa78c34d9a461ab6351627e2f7d8a1>:0 
  at SparkleShare.BaseController.<UIHasLoaded>m__F () [0x00007] in <3cfa78c34d9a461ab6351627e2f7d8a1>:0 
  at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00014] in <a84b655e5e6a49ee96b338ec792f5580>:0 
  at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00071] in <a84b655e5e6a49ee96b338ec792f5580>:0 
  at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <a84b655e5e6a49ee96b338ec792f5580>:0 
  at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x0002b] in <a84b655e5e6a49ee96b338ec792f5580>:0 
  at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x00008] in <a84b655e5e6a49ee96b338ec792f5580>:0 

19:27:17 Environment | SparkleShare 2.0.1
19:27:17 Environment | Git LFS 
19:27:17 Environment | Git 2.16.1
19:27:17 Environment | GNOME (Unix
19:27:17 Cmd |  | gvfs-set-attribute "/home/kevincox/SparkleShare" metadata::custom-icon-name org.sparkleshare.SparkleShare
19:27:18 /home/kevincox/SparkleShare/${repo} | Initializing...
19:27:18 Cmd | config | git config core.ignorecase false
19:27:18 Cmd | config | git config remote.origin.url "ssh://${user}/${repo}"
19:27:18 Cmd | config | git config core.sshCommand ssh -i /home/kevincox/.config/org.sparkleshare.SparkleShare/ssh/2017-01-27_18h51.key -o UserKnownHostsFile=/home/kevincox/.config/org.sparkleshare.SparkleShare/ssh/known_hosts -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -o PasswordAuthentication=no -F /dev/null
19:27:18 Cmd | config | git --no-pager log --since=1.month --raw --find-renames --date=iso --format=medium --no-color --no-merges
19:27:18 Cmd | config | git --no-pager log -n 75 --raw --find-renames --date=iso --format=medium --no-color --no-merges
hbons commented 6 years ago

Could you give me the output of git --no-pager log -n 75 --raw --find-renames --date=iso --format=medium --no-color --no-merges in your "config" repo?

If it has sensitive information you can email it to me: Thanks!

kevincox commented 6 years ago

I did peak and nothing looked too crazy. Give me a sec to anonymize it.

Result. I have made some very minor changes but I don't think it should matter. If you can't reproduce I will consider sending you the original.

commit f1d37840e1e73b903d8481556bc9687af1a8df52
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-22 19:26:17 +0000


:100644 100644 86fb849 ea7081f M    vim/spell/en.utf-8.add
:100644 100644 d6a5370 465d76e M    vim/spell/en.utf-8.add.spl

commit 53415254d206ff1eed25928825142c2d3bb4b86b
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-22 18:00:06 +0000

    / ‘vim/init.vim’

:100644 100644 2712a4e 327e8ed M    vim/init.vim

commit 840620726ecc6090f228175a0743b99b040af7bb
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-20 15:54:22 +0000

    / ‘vim/init.vim’

:100644 100644 50807d2 2712a4e M    vim/init.vim

commit 55b66ab247237f3a8ae5bf18b4ba4107b0430cff
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-20 15:49:17 +0000

    / ‘vim/after/indent/rust.vim’

:100644 100644 8010820 c5a845f M    vim/after/indent/rust.vim

commit 7a334bdb0dd7f537f05eafbf67a54cf16a66c4b6
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-20 15:47:43 +0000

    + ‘vim/after/indent/rust.vim’

:000000 100644 0000000 8010820 A    vim/after/indent/rust.vim

commit fe0f644727dd53d11b994ea13c1c520f93c057e6
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-20 10:21:39 +0000

    / ‘vimfx/config.js’

:100644 100644 fca9ae6 a3fba5b M    vimfx/config.js

commit 6ca193ad110f69aa47fa76d4e68ec202a97190ab
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-20 10:21:19 +0000

    / ‘vimfx/config.js’

:100644 100644 199b6a2 fca9ae6 M    vimfx/config.js

commit 2d0d20148b9efd84cad3971a81b0a65445e17d54
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-20 10:21:13 +0000

    / ‘vimfx/config.js’

:100644 100644 da1cf86 199b6a2 M    vimfx/config.js

commit 93968f8150834abb634790a3cf60ae9fb2fbfcf6
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-20 10:20:38 +0000

    / ‘vimfx/config.js’

:100644 100644 394d684 da1cf86 M    vimfx/config.js

commit 0953826a555d3aa4097cd5546ca7f008871b815b
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-20 10:20:22 +0000

    / ‘vimfx/config.js’

:100644 100644 c23bb92 394d684 M    vimfx/config.js

commit 04d3923fe63f48b700136782c833d9c2e0e6d20d
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-20 10:20:04 +0000

    / ‘vimfx/config.js’

:100644 100644 5f51bf0 c23bb92 M    vimfx/config.js

commit 309812750798cd4bab39b4bf44d06a59a7cee7dd
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-20 10:19:58 +0000

    / ‘vimfx/config.js’

:100644 100644 c23bb92 5f51bf0 M    vimfx/config.js

commit f303b932e0c2a3af87885fa9073b88ec4b9f3428
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-20 10:19:04 +0000

    / ‘vimfx/config.js’

:100644 100644 c92a8ba c23bb92 M    vimfx/config.js

commit 39a69af25d92e960df5ab1b7e9d98d54c8b0206b
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-20 10:17:50 +0000

    / ‘vimfx/config.js’

:100644 100644 98c03bd c92a8ba M    vimfx/config.js

commit dc9c61b73649fd4005072695dbdfc815d5c71d82
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-20 10:17:32 +0000

    / ‘vimfx/config.js’

:100644 100644 fdfd18a 98c03bd M    vimfx/config.js

commit 02f0b5680ea579e35cdf80118bc938757ac819f5
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-20 10:17:11 +0000

    / ‘vimfx/config.js’

:100644 100644 2081473 fdfd18a M    vimfx/config.js

commit 5412de7f2f1925527538d44aa8a423aab002e643
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-20 10:16:50 +0000

    / ‘vimfx/config.js’

:100644 100644 333408a 2081473 M    vimfx/config.js

commit 31f6ba3ad354c217a4d4dd47c01d6c8e65541c5a
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-20 10:16:32 +0000

    / ‘vimfx/config.js’

:100644 100644 6240b9b 333408a M    vimfx/config.js

commit 9a557dd65b48942ae66039f3a590504dbe499762
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-20 10:16:28 +0000

    / ‘vimfx/config.js’

:100644 100644 2b8b3a4 6240b9b M    vimfx/config.js

commit 3ceb608a9a9bea335f7cc836c51355e968ef6dec
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-20 10:16:15 +0000

    / ‘vimfx/config.js’

:100644 100644 de4e4b6 2b8b3a4 M    vimfx/config.js

commit af7b140cdff4cc655373ce7322a8381f71087665
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-20 10:15:56 +0000

    / ‘vimfx/config.js’

:100644 100644 6240b9b de4e4b6 M    vimfx/config.js

commit 1472af48ba12bcba8fd278a4c09fe10328d6be07
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-20 10:12:28 +0000

    / ‘vimfx/config.js’

:100644 100644 3bf570a 6240b9b M    vimfx/config.js

commit aae16f14f95cbbc1e245509c74c3473bde453832
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-20 10:11:51 +0000

    / ‘vimfx/config.js’

:100644 100644 7c2fa6c 3bf570a M    vimfx/config.js

commit 432a53ebbc4a298fccf7c50b920ee062aff2fd9a
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-20 09:30:00 +0000

    / ‘vimfx/config.js’

:100644 100644 74160a5 7c2fa6c M    vimfx/config.js

commit 1ba06e314a8711918c4e7d1060940de931404769
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-20 09:27:30 +0000

    / ‘vimfx/config.js’

:100644 100644 5b8b0de 74160a5 M    vimfx/config.js

commit ba0c4196da00ef847dadfba18320df301ad14fe6
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-20 09:22:26 +0000

    / ‘vimfx/config.js’

:100644 100644 4aad8d3 5b8b0de M    vimfx/config.js

commit 73e23d28568a18ed72359b7651fa12917c8606c5
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-19 14:30:45 +0000

    / ‘vim/spell/en.utf-8.add’
    / ‘vim/spell/en.utf-8.add.spl’

:100644 100644 049b546 d580109 M    vim/spell/en.utf-8.add
:100644 100644 633d93d a3874f2 M    vim/spell/en.utf-8.add.spl

commit ded24d1436fa01178ce47fc6393f0e6aba206109
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-15 10:14:51 +0000

    / ‘vim/init.vim’

:100644 100644 f832276 50807d2 M    vim/init.vim

commit a396594e5d51fbb3ca27897f992aab44c75577d1
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-14 18:26:27 +0000

    / ‘vim/init.vim’

:100644 100644 4d39b55 f832276 M    vim/init.vim

commit f8b2da1453c21823221ff81d37ae88f27acb431f
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-14 18:16:37 +0000

    / ‘vim/init.vim’

:100644 100644 295abce 4d39b55 M    vim/init.vim

commit 585fa76f9aa5c8d13c9ffde8628d28e53b11f35c
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-14 18:10:29 +0000

    / ‘vim/init.vim’

:100644 100644 372aee4 295abce M    vim/init.vim

commit d934ac540b16d3442615706dd1945febdbd28d0e
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-14 18:08:05 +0000

    / ‘vim/init.vim’

:100644 100644 eba098f 372aee4 M    vim/init.vim

commit 8dfed07f609e1822ff02ee388360e576b8e12e0e
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-14 18:07:20 +0000

    / ‘vim/init.vim’

:100644 100644 f866669 eba098f M    vim/init.vim

commit b5b6c36b258bbc96b5ab63ffba41cd7ba80dc211
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-14 18:06:18 +0000

    / ‘vim/init.vim’

:100644 100644 28f0680 f866669 M    vim/init.vim

commit 7cb450318f2cb0184734b7672bb2466023d5d4b5
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-14 18:05:24 +0000

    / ‘vim/init.vim’

:100644 100644 2b6851b 28f0680 M    vim/init.vim

commit 85082c3cf9657f0f473da712b698ed03c2df788a
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-14 18:04:48 +0000

    / ‘vim/init.vim’

:100644 100644 137292b 2b6851b M    vim/init.vim

commit 782d27fb18bf6b59f2d1f2c7831e65669e79367f
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-14 18:04:21 +0000

    / ‘vim/init.vim’

:100644 100644 8145cbd 137292b M    vim/init.vim

commit abb1ccc5e4458ec38a555cae2ede747b57e315f2
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-14 18:03:05 +0000

    - ‘vim/0’

:100644 000000 e69de29 0000000 D    vim/0

commit 98a340f0d81a37e0fb7f52041f427991ed94e88c
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-14 18:02:45 +0000

    / ‘vim/init.vim’

:100644 100644 fe0e267 8145cbd M    vim/init.vim

commit 14b36dc1ddb0a56d57d5fd40f2f8530f5cfd658f
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-14 17:58:12 +0000

    / ‘vim/init.vim’

:100644 100644 57247a8 fe0e267 M    vim/init.vim

commit a0cd5595cbb112537ff79334f5c66b89a4f2521e
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-14 17:57:34 +0000

    / ‘vim/init.vim’

:100644 100644 5bbc132 57247a8 M    vim/init.vim

commit 40d6b12b372e9d10bc8998880fab3bc0019b8b03
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-14 17:57:18 +0000

    / ‘vim/init.vim’

:100644 100644 d50701a 5bbc132 M    vim/init.vim

commit 3de25bd604eb79fb0ff3f7d00eac5457c7d5a05d
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-14 17:56:33 +0000

    / ‘vim/init.vim’

:100644 100644 7726c35 d50701a M    vim/init.vim

commit f96cb3f9f699c81423f2878613abb9bb33c6276a
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-14 17:53:23 +0000

    / ‘vim/init.vim’

:100644 100644 01216da 7726c35 M    vim/init.vim

commit 719d30354bbf000290426ffc160d38a5b1c41457
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-08 13:18:37 +0000

    / ‘vim/init.vim’

:100644 100644 c885f06 01216da M    vim/init.vim

commit 68aebd1caf38d2215ce8fdf220fc9cdf73cb8716
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-08 13:01:26 +0000

    / ‘vim/init.vim’

:100644 100644 bad5832 c885f06 M    vim/init.vim

commit 6afc941799557d757efee9db50cec7d5027ac3ed
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-08 12:56:24 +0000

    / ‘vim/init.vim’

:100644 100644 97e2eae bad5832 M    vim/init.vim

commit f3dba1dca3f4e22195a26538a63dccedaa2bebdc
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-07 16:05:51 +0000

    / ‘vim/spell/en.utf-8.add’
    / ‘vim/spell/en.utf-8.add.spl’

:100644 100644 5548149 049b546 M    vim/spell/en.utf-8.add
:100644 100644 a6dbb5a 633d93d M    vim/spell/en.utf-8.add.spl

commit c08b93567c3ea2dc277ab5aeb1086c41d3140780
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-07 14:13:14 +0000

    / ‘bin/r’

:100644 100644 4d53419 705b1f1 M    bin/r

commit 49b23446731038206272d624c484d4d4c812d2e9
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-07 14:13:09 +0000

    / ‘bin/r’

:100644 100644 705b1f1 4d53419 M    bin/r

commit 7f2db7a3b2e7046dd279d536f613e9766e50e612
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-07 14:13:04 +0000

    / ‘bin/r’

:100644 100644 af82183 705b1f1 M    bin/r

commit 445a07550f51d2d54dd20a3416e7825f677d090b
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-07 14:12:00 +0000

    / ‘bin/r’

:100644 100644 2ad51c1 af82183 M    bin/r

commit 93544f28c242a41b4e9cde795ff48e5628a905e6
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-07 14:11:47 +0000

    / ‘bin/r’

:100644 100644 9cefab5 2ad51c1 M    bin/r

commit c26160d0b822d0a6c5d7c2c87588cbbeea97ff38
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-07 14:11:36 +0000

    / ‘bin/r’

:100644 100644 5f7903a 9cefab5 M    bin/r

commit 2afcc19c1473473d950fd8e561fd63e292b7e307
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-07 14:11:11 +0000

    / ‘bin/r’

:100644 100644 eb75cc5 5f7903a M    bin/r

commit b8c7a0e962df137e5570736d84c2a8b7b0ade5b5
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-07 14:11:04 +0000

    / ‘bin/r’

:100644 100644 b2319a6 eb75cc5 M    bin/r

commit f39760834fc3a6337ea4bfaf741759f802aedcc8
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-07 14:10:21 +0000

    / ‘bin/r’

:100644 100644 d660689 b2319a6 M    bin/r

commit 05877a5f99e3044bf9e1fcd9e8a3104cb080c034
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-07 14:10:07 +0000

    / ‘bin/r’

:100644 100644 7940f39 d660689 M    bin/r

commit 6ed9baf846f6f6a4038e493efb9c3180fc679a99
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-07 14:09:48 +0000

    / ‘bin/r’

:100644 100644 7e598f8 7940f39 M    bin/r

commit f311213448f38e56d9918c006d6c89b7f4903404
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-07 14:09:41 +0000

    / ‘bin/r’

:100644 100644 7940f39 7e598f8 M    bin/r

commit 74d1933e169b4a252868ee05b26b29000483e4ec
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-07 14:09:29 +0000

    / ‘bin/r’

:100644 100644 2dac35f 7940f39 M    bin/r

commit fa159d329d072b4427797153af0a243a0d5d74f2
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-07 14:07:16 +0000

    / ‘bin/r’

:100644 100644 459c736 2dac35f M    bin/r

commit 4d92c5f1339c5aa2e7f66647e23cc25a53776d0b
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-07 14:06:13 +0000

    / ‘bin/r’

:100644 100644 27b32d5 459c736 M    bin/r

commit 697917b8a07952b1b8b52e071ac68b482e666c42
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-07 14:05:52 +0000

    / ‘bin/r’

:100644 100644 d6fc5e7 27b32d5 M    bin/r

commit 6fca99bf2e8c70cf568b2a82dedd23a75d019492
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-07 14:03:46 +0000

    / ‘bin/r’

:100644 100644 1805357 d6fc5e7 M    bin/r

commit 442e69b335adaba2b9d4db2da992861d403e1f92
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-07 14:03:04 +0000

    / ‘bin/r’

:100644 100644 fac76b1 1805357 M    bin/r

commit 23c9ec863f2198753f072881af9dc02958ccfd03
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-07 13:55:34 +0000

    / ‘bin/r’

:100644 100644 d643617 fac76b1 M    bin/r

commit af7b8d6642c2f7a2e0ca110b03f12934bf5047fa
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-07 13:49:48 +0000

    / ‘bin/r’

:100644 100644 540d96e d643617 M    bin/r

commit 6f6a4b2a6f676c7eea0527ca02934e33113ef923
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-07 13:49:39 +0000

    / ‘bin/r’

:100644 100644 00dc5b6 540d96e M    bin/r

commit 2b4c66a382426532f212541c516a207257635cdb
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-07 13:49:22 +0000

    / ‘bin/r’

:100644 100644 dea9756 00dc5b6 M    bin/r

commit 7d7490c63f2b2aef999fa2c0a81fb64d4d9ca86a
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-07 13:48:37 +0000

    / ‘bin/r’

:100644 100644 2e48859 dea9756 M    bin/r

commit b81f2b697dd63d38b4e4b9367ec0984dba2c89ee
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-07 13:48:33 +0000

    / ‘bin/r’

:100644 100644 dea9756 2e48859 M    bin/r

commit 513487cd3e893b09ab3d5fecedd945fdada69ed6
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-07 13:48:19 +0000

    / ‘bin/r’

:100644 100644 a3bebdd dea9756 M    bin/r

commit bc6c75deefce75735960d37a398684db60e86239
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-07 13:48:09 +0000

    / ‘bin/r’

:100644 100644 7c81a78 a3bebdd M    bin/r

commit 1adbf1c8a546ca06b8c75c10ae17ac0a00e0958d
Author: Kevin Cox <>
Date:   2018-02-07 13:47:31 +0000

    / ‘bin/r’

:100644 100644 f7a4596 7c81a78 M    bin/r
hbons commented 6 years ago

Thanks! This is very helpful.

It looks like the way file changes are reported has changed in a recent Git version. You're using Git 2.16 and I've just reproduced similar issues with it.

1813 partly fixed this, but it misses some edge cases. I'll need to simplify the file name parsing and make this more robust. Will push a fix this weekend.

kevincox commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the speedy fix. I'll watch for the next release.

hbons commented 6 years ago

This should now be fixed by #1817 which I just merged to master. Give that a go or wait for the 3.28 release in a few weeks.