hbons / SparkleShare

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System.DllNotFoundException: #1835

Closed colonelpanic8 closed 6 years ago

colonelpanic8 commented 6 years ago

What happened:

but I do have on my machine:

~/Projects/SparkleShare fix/appindicator*
$ sudo find /usr | grep

I'm running on arch linux, and all of the shared objects that sparkleshare depends on are in

/usr/lib rather than /usr/local/lib which is where the default installation paths are (could this be the cause of this issue).

I'm not familiar with how shared objects are linked in C#. Is there a way I can effectively set LD_LIBRARY_PATH at compile or run time?

colonelpanic8 commented 6 years ago

looks like @hbons encountered this here shana/bindinator#26 that it somehow resolved itself.

hbons commented 6 years ago

Ah, I remember that thread. :)

This is probably something related to how stuff is packaged in the distro. I suggest reaching out to the folks at Arch responsible for the GNOME/mono packages. They're much more knowledgable about this stuff.

hbons commented 6 years ago

btw, I saw you comment on the other thread. If you just want to try out the latest changes, it's much easier to build the flatpak on your machine:

It takes a bit longer to build, but it's more likely succeed. You can change the branch you want to build in the .json manifest file.