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absurdly high RAM use with mono #1887

Open Tcll opened 5 years ago

Tcll commented 5 years ago

sparkleshare_problem and yes that is the sparkleshare process or I wouldn't be posting here. tbh it's really the only mono process I run...

this just occurred over night I have a RAM monitor, and it was half full before I went to bed (being full when I woke up) I usually disable my network before I call it due to some undesirable people undeserving of internet...

but yeah, no idea what exactly happened to cause it to spazz out like this but it may have had something to do with activating my IDEA window before disabling my network... I know my workspace changes which sends an event to SparkleShare so I may have just disabled net at the perfect moment it tried to sync

might be something worth looking into

as a suggestion though, if you could avoid using mono (if possible) and move away from it, that would be much better. ;) after restarting, it's already using 85.6 MiB, which is already uncomfortably high as is 32.4 MiB on my other machine on process "Main" (not sure why it's a different process)

a program like this should only need a few hundred KiB including the GUI and that's being generous

hbons commented 5 years ago

Closing as this report does not adhere to this project’s Code of Conduct.

Tcll commented 5 years ago

huh? about the only thing that implies is that I may have been disrespectful of viewpoints which was not intentional at all I'm not forcing you to not use mono or anything like that, use it all you like, it's your project.

I'm only noting the issue with RAM use might be something worth looking into ;)

and then making a suggestion about not using mono if possible explaining the detail as to why, and then providing detail as to quality expectations.

I'm sorry if any offense was taken to anything previous it was meant to be constructive.

hbons commented 5 years ago

"I've always known mono was trash, but good lord this is ridiculous:" "what would be even better though is not using mono if possible ;)"

These are non-constructive and inflammatory comments towards other projects. It doesn't help anything. Otherwise, it's an ok issue. Just leave that stuff out next time. :)

Tcll commented 5 years ago

I'll edit those and make them sound better

the first was actually indirect contructive criticism though yeah I'll change it regardless because even I admit it's snarky and immature -_- sorry about that one

the second though, I can better point out as a suggestion

hbons commented 5 years ago

Apology accepted. Thank you and thanks for you contributions too.

Tcll commented 5 years ago

wanted to update, it happened again, and this time I got more detail ;)

so I'd been running my system for 19 days, and I've recently had to add 4GB of swap since since a scan from comodo nearly topped everything out but after the scan ended, I found the use never went back down, which is how I found out it was SparkleShare again: too_much_ram_use ^ this image is actually a bit decieving, because there's more RAM that's being used than it says, as shown here: 3.5GB ram swap_too_much_use 10GB the only memory hungry apps running are Comodo and IDEA but overall, they were using just under 2GB, which wasn't very much out of the above image.

I believe the issue has something to do with this: ss_ram_issue ^ it hung here until I closed IDEA

after the scan, Comodo went down to only about 200MB, so there realy wasn't much being used by that... but I closed out other stuff besides SparkleShare just to try to get some stability when finally closing SS, it actually didn't do anything and started using more RAM (about 1MB a second) this went on until my RAM went back into swap, and then it crashed: ss_crash and within about 4 frames of the crash, my RAM use completely dropped: ss_crash_ram_use

you might really want to look into this if you can it probably has something to do with the fact I disable networking every night while my PC takes care of other stuff.

hbons commented 5 years ago

Could be leaking memory trying to reconnect all the time... will investigate.